Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 200 Someone Wanted to Kill Her

Chapter 200 Someone Wanted to Kill Her

At this time, Nangong Ling also noticed the existence of the men in black. Seeing that they were not kind, Nangong Ling said, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"If you want to know about our reputation, you are not qualified! Damn girl, get out immediately if you don't want to die, our target is not you." The man in black warned loudly.

Nangong Ling raised her eyebrows, and replied without fear: "I belong to her, and if you bully her, you are bullying me. I, Nangong Ling, will never let you off lightly!"

"Oh! I don't know what to praise!" the man in black cursed.

At this time, a short man in black reminded the leader in a low voice: "Boss, this girl's surname is Nangong, she must be from the Nangong family, right? Should we be more careful?"

"Impossible. How could people from the Gong family come to such a small place as Qingyun Country? This girl just happened to have the same surname. Let's finish the task quickly!" A fat man in black retorted.

When the task was mentioned, everyone in black was a little excited.

300 million taels of gold, to buy the life of Miss Six, a waste material from the Ye family, is like a pie falling from the sky!
Without any hesitation, the leader of the man in black raised his knife and ordered loudly: "Kill!"


A group of men in black rushed over with weapons in hand, each with more ferocious eyes.

Ye Qingge turned sideways with a calm expression. She concentrated her spiritual power with both hands, and slapped each other to exert the greatest power of Thunderbolt Palm.




Ever since Ye Qingge was promoted to the eighth-level spirit, she has become more and more comfortable with Thunderbolt Palm, and any palm can knock the opponent down.

At the same time, the opponent's clothes were also smashed, and the scene was called "messy".

"Ah—hot eyes and hot eyes! I'm a pure and beautiful girl, how can I see such things!" Nangong Ling said disgusted, but she was judging the figures of these killers in her heart. Well, I didn't expect the shortest one to have the most muscular body .

At this moment, the man in black was a little depressed. They didn't expect Ye Qingge to have such a trick. As a killer, it didn't matter if his clothes were broken, but the mask on his face couldn't be broken!
"Be careful, everyone, try not to let her get close!" the leader in black ordered.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Miss Ben just likes to play close."

Nangong Ling chuckled, and when Ye Qingge was beating someone, she pulled out a soft whip and danced "咻咻咻", sweeping across the area with one whip, leaving no one behind.

"Damn it! Why is there another difficult one!"

The leader of the man in black is an eighth-rank spiritual man. This strength is placed in the Qingyun Kingdom, and he can be regarded as a master among masters.

But he could sense that Nangong Ling was stronger than him, and if he confronted head-on, he would definitely not be Nangong Ling's opponent!

"Boss, what should we do? Should we withdraw?" the shorter man in black asked just now.

The black-clothed leader was not reconciled to such a failure, he raised his knife and shouted angrily: "Keep killing!"

After finishing speaking, the leader in black put all his attacks on Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge is only an eighth-level spiritualist, even with Thunderbolt Palm, she can't compete with such a master. Fortunately, she still has poison powder as her life-saving trump card.

Whenever the opponent approached, she used poison to defend, barely keeping a safe distance.

However, under the huge gap in strength, Ye Qingge's poison could not persist for too long, and soon, Ye Qingge was a little overwhelmed,

But even so, she didn't give up!

No matter how the opponent attacks, she will try her best to fight back and never let herself fall easily!

At this extremely dangerous moment, a slender and handsome figure descended from the sky like a god with the domineering arrogance of looking down on the common people.

Yu Qianjue, here we come!

 Good night, please recommend a ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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