Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 237 Sending Ye Han Ju Ling Liquid

Chapter 237 Sending Ye Han Ju Ling Liquid
Ye Qingge responded generously, her principle is very simple, repay kindness with kindness, and revenge with revenge.

These guards are not as bad as Erfang, and she doesn't need to hold grudges. People live a lifetime, and sometimes they need to let go.

After dealing with the injuries of the guards, Ye Qingge walked towards the meeting hall. So many things happened today, she needs to discuss it with her grandpa again.

As soon as he arrived at the conference hall, Ye Qingge heard Ye Han reporting the situation of the second room.

"Patriarch, all the people in the second room have escaped. They should be in the Bai family now. Should we send someone to negotiate?"

"No, a group of people who eat inside and out, let them go!"

Mr. Ye looked calm, but it could still be heard that he was actually very angry.

Forget about the Bai family and Bai Qingmei, they are from the Bai family anyway, but Ye Erye is different, he is his own son, it's fine if he doesn't come forward when the Ye family is in danger, but he runs away directly Went to Bai's house!

An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf is talking about this kind of person!
If I had known this earlier, I should have killed Erfang at the beginning, so there would be no such troubles today.

"Grandpa, if you are angry and hurt yourself, let's have a cup of tea."

Ye Qingge persuaded in a low voice, poured a cup of tea for Mr. Ye, and offered it with concern.

When Old Man Ye saw Ye Qingge, most of his irritability disappeared immediately. Although his second son disappointed him, he still had a granddaughter.

Today is so dangerous, this granddaughter not only did not leave, but also stayed to fight together, just like her father back then.

Not only that, because of this granddaughter, the Bai family also returned all the assets stolen from the Ye family over the years to Zhao, and Mr. Ye was really happy.

"Qing Ge, you have worked hard today."

"Grandpa, these are what I should do. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough now, otherwise I will go to the Bai family to settle accounts now."

"No, not for the time being. The backstage of the Bai family is Fengyunzong. We don't have the strength to openly oppose Fengyunzong..." Mr. Ye looked a little disappointed when he said this.

Ye Qingge rolled her eyes, she thought for a while, and then said, "Grandpa, there is no way to go on like this, we must improve our strength.

Fortunately, the Ye family is rich now, so there is no need to worry about financial problems. I have an idea, but I don't know if it is feasible. "

"You said."

"I plan to use my appeal as a pharmacist to organize an army for the Ye family and strengthen training. But I don't have any experience in this field, and you will need to worry about it when the time comes."

"This is a good way! As long as you have strength, the Bai family is nothing!"

Mr. Ye has long wanted to improve the quality of guards, but unfortunately he has never had the chance. Taking advantage of the heavy damage to the Bai family this time, it is a good time for the Ye family to rise again.

"Qingge, you just need to refine the medicine well, and leave the rest to Grandpa. Ye Han, go to the mercenary union tomorrow to see if there are any suitable talents." Mr. Ye was very excited, and immediately began to plan the future of the Ye family. One step.

Ye Qingge listened to it for a long time, and she didn't leave the meeting room until the dead of night.

Before leaving, Ye Qingge gave Ye Han the bottle of spirit-gathering liquid that was refined at the flower viewing banquet today.

When Ye Han received the spirit-gathering liquid, his body couldn't restrain his excitement, "Miss Six, this... this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

"Take it, you deserve it."

Ye Qingge saw Ye Han's affection for the Ye family, and had long wanted to give Ye Han a bottle of spirit-gathering liquid, but he never found the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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