Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 238 Little Geer, Congratulations

Chapter 238 Little Geer, Congratulations

"Ye Han, take it."

Mr. Ye stroked his beard and persuaded him.

Ye Han took a deep breath, and finally accepted the spirit gathering liquid.

At this moment, he secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely repay Ye Qingge's kindness to him and protect the Ye family!
Midday on the moon.

Ye Qingge returned to her small courtyard. Many things happened today, from exposing Bai Xian'er, to the attack on the Bai family, to healing the guards, she needs to sleep well now.

However, when she returned to her room, she found Yu Qianjue was in her room, sitting on her bed.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Ye Qingge asked softly.

"Of course I'm waiting for you." Yu Qianjue smiled charmingly, his eyes were seductive, like an elegant and cunning fox.

When Ye Qingge heard this, her heart skipped a beat. This guy is in the middle of the night, what kind of love talk is he talking about, and he still keeps people from sleeping?

"Then what... I'm back, it's time to sleep, you go back to your room."

Ever since Ye Qingge was sure of her mind, she didn't dare to look Yu Qianjue in the eyes. When her eyes met Yu Qianjue's for a moment, she felt a little deer bumping in her heart, and she felt an indescribable joy and shyness.

Thinking of how powerful she was as a master doctor back then, she didn't even bat an eye when she was treating the world's number one killer!
How come you are so not "calm" when you meet Yu Qianjue?

Sure enough, love is trouble!
Ye Qingge didn't want this kind of trouble for the time being, so she urged her again, and said in a very disgusted tone, "Why don't you leave?"

"Little Ge'er, my husband is your favorite man, so of course I want to sleep with you.

Besides, I've helped you so much today, and you don't even have a word 'thank you'?It's really ruthless~"

Yu Qianjue played the emotional card first, and then discussed the facts. Even if Ye Qingge wanted to drive someone away, he had to think again.

Regarding this, Ye Qingge sighed helplessly, and asked in a low voice, "My dear male pet, what do you really want?"

"I told my husband to sleep with you."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue stepped aside and came directly behind Ye Qingge.

He wrapped his arms around Ye Qingge's waist from behind. This distance exceeded Ye Qingge's intimacy limit. She suddenly felt an electric current pass through her body, and she felt an indescribable shudder.

"Let go of me first..." Ye Qingge protested softly.

"No." Yu Qianjue hugged him even tighter.

He closed his eyes, put his chin on Ye Qingge's shoulder, sniffed deeply the fragrance of medicine on Ye Qingge's body, and said in a low voice,

"Little Geer, congratulations."

Today is a special day, and Ye Qingge has received many "congratulations", some sincere, hypocritical, and jealous.

Only Yu Qianjue's congratulations made Ye Qingge the happiest.

It can be said that without Yu Qianjue, there would be no Ye Qingge now.

If Yu Qianjue hadn't taught her how to practice, helped her find the elixir to repair her facial injuries, and dealt with Bai Xian'er and the others together, she might still be in her infancy.

This man is her benefactor, her nobleman, and even the one she likes.

For a moment, Ye Qingge wanted to express her feelings immediately, telling Yu Qianjue that she liked him too.

But after the words came to his lips, they only became these six words in the end.

"Yu Qianjue, thank you."

"Xiao Ge'er, you know, what this king wants is not a thank you." Yu Qianjue often heard these two words, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

If there is too much kindness, it will become a kind of pressure.

When people are under pressure, they can't see their own heart clearly, and they can't tell what is liked and what is touched.

Yu Qianjue was very afraid, if this continues, Ye Qingge will only have affection for him, not love.

(End of this chapter)

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