Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 255 To Save Yujue

Chapter 255 Go back and save Yu Qianjue
Yu Qianjue smiled coldly, and shot a big fireball directly towards the center of the guards.


The scene became even more chaotic, and the guards focused all their attention on Yu Qianjue.

As for Ye Qingge, wearing night clothes, taking advantage of the chaos around her, she easily avoided the guards and fled outside the Bai family soon.

But after coming out, Ye Qingge waited and waited for about half an hour, but Yu Qianjue didn't show up, which made her feel uneasy.

"No! I have to go back and have a look!"

Ye Qingge turned around and walked directly towards the Bai family.

Elder Kun immediately stopped and said: "Girl, with your strength, going back to Bai's house now is no different from sending you to death. They have already raised their security, so it's useless for you to go back.

In this way, not only will you not be able to save Yu Qianjue, but you will also be trapped. "

"I know, but I have to try..."

Ye Qingge's face was sullen, and her expression was more determined than ever. Even if there was only one percent hope, she would rescue Yu Qianjue!

Moreover, the reason why she left just now was because Yu Qianjue said that he has a way to leave, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

But it was only now that Ye Qingge realized that Yu Qianjue was lying to her in order to let her leave with peace of mind.

Bastard, you promised never to lie to her, why did you lie again?
The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the more angry she became, and then she became more and more worried. There are so many masters in the Bai family, no matter how powerful Yu Qianjue is, he can't deal with it...

If Yu Qianjue died like this, what should she do?
She hasn't expressed her heart yet, she hasn't told him personally that she likes him...

Qianjue, you must persevere, I will rescue you soon!
Ye Qingge grabbed a handful of poisonous powder, crossed the fence of the Bai family again, and rushed towards the attic just now.

At this moment, the Bai family was in chaos.

The attic was on fire. When Ye Qingge went, Yu Qianjue was surrounded by a group of masters. He had many wounds on his body, but his momentum remained undiminished.

"Little thief, hand over the treasure and spare your death!"

Patriarch Bai checked the underground palace just now and found that the Lingquan water had disappeared, so he concluded that it was in Yu Qianjue's hands.

Yu Qianjue still covered his face with a black cloth, and said in a cold voice: "I have never given back what I want from the Hunter Alliance."

"Oh, my Patriarch thought that whoever had the guts to come to my Bai family to act wildly turned out to be the rumored Hunter Alliance.

It's a pity that you are alone tonight, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the palm of my Bai family! "

Patriarch Bai roared angrily, and then directly ordered,
"Fire arrows!"


Countless cold arrows shot at Yu Qianjue, Yu Qianjue used spiritual power as a barrier to block all the sharp arrows.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that Yu Qianjue's spiritual power has almost been exhausted, and there are many wounds on his body. He can last for at most 2 minutes like this.

Seeing this situation, Ye Qingge bit her lip, thankful that she caught up and Yu Qianjue was not dead yet.

Afterwards, she directly sprinkled a pile of poisonous powder, attracting everyone's attention to her side.



The poisoned guards of the Bai family fell to the ground one after another.

Patriarch Bai noticed Ye Qingge's poison, his expression changed suddenly, and he said loudly: "So there are accomplices! Are you the Breaking Bad in the Hunter League?"

Ye Qingge didn't speak. After the poisonous powder was sprinkled, she flew directly to Yu Qianjue's side and sent her spiritual power to Yu Qianjue.

With Ye Qingge's spiritual power, Yu Qianjue's condition began to improve, and his mind became clearer.

However, when he realized.After the person who came to rescue him was Ye Qingge, his expression immediately changed!
"Are you stupid! Why do you want to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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