Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 256 Little Geer, hold me tight!

Chapter 256 Little Geer, hold me tight!
"Because you're still here, I can't leave you alone!"

Ye Qingge responded loudly, her eyes were firmer than ever.

Hearing this answer, Yu Qianjue couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. He leaned over and whispered in Ye Qingge's ear, asking in a voice that only the two of them could hear,

"Xiao Ge'er, can I understand that sentence just now as - you like me?"

The faint smell of blood came into the nose, and the soft and magnetic voice made people want to stop. Ye Qingge raised his head, looked directly at Yu Qianjue quietly, and his heart beat faster and faster.

After being stunned for a while, she responded in a low voice: "What time is it, you are still concerned about this."

"For this king, this matter is more important than life." Yu Qianjue looked very seriously.

Ye Qingge's ears were red, she turned her head to look at Patriarch Bai, and whispered: "As long as we can get out of here alive, I will tell you the answer."

"Okay! I'll take you away!"

Yu Qianjue took out a small red bottle from the storage ring, then poured out two red pills from the bottle, and put them directly into his mouth.

This is the mad spirit pill. After eating it, it can increase its strength in a short period of time. Even a dying person can burst out with powerful strength.

But this elixir has great side effects and is extremely harmful to the body.

Yu Qianjue didn't want to use this method at first, but now there are too many masters in the Bai family and there are many traps around, if they want to leave, this is the only way.

"Little Geer, hold me tight!"

Yu Qianjue spoke loudly, and Ye Qingge hugged his waist subconsciously, like vines wrapped around a big tree.

After confirming that Ye Qingge hugged him tightly, Yu Qianjue waved his sleeve robe, and a gust of wind blew up all around, mixed with spirit blades in the wind, and directly attacked the master of the Bai family!

Seeing that the situation is not good, Patriarch Bai immediately shouted loudly: "Quick! Activate the net array!"


"Bang bang bang-"

"Boom boom-"

A thin net made of silk from the sky flew from nowhere and wrapped Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue in it.

Yu Qianjue originally wanted to use his spiritual power to split the net, but he found that no matter what he did, the net would not cause any damage.

Patriarch Bai saw that Yu Qianjue was still doing the "Fight of Trapped Beasts", with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, he said very proudly,

"Don't waste your efforts, this net is a gift from Fengyunzong to the Bai family. Even if you are a master of the spirit king level, there is no way to crack it!"

"so what?"

Yu Qianjue sneered, since he took the Mad Spirit Pill, his strength has skyrocketed, and it is wishful thinking to trap him with just a broken net!
"It seems that you will stop crying when you see the coffin!"

With a dark face, Patriarch Bai directly took out a bow and arrow, and smeared poison on the arrow, then pulled the bow and lifted the string, aiming at Ye Qingge.

"Boy, if you don't hand over the treasure, the Patriarch will kill your companion immediately!"

"Kill me, you will never get the ancient spirit spring."

Ye Qingge responded with threats.

When Patriarch Bai heard the words "Ancient Lingquan", his expression changed again. The biggest secret of the Bai family was actually known by these two people, damn it!
The Hunter Alliance really lived up to its reputation.

However, what method did these two people use to "uproot" the Lingquan water?This is something that the Fengyun Sect cannot do.

Just as Patriarch Bai was thinking about what to do, Young Master Bai and Ye Mengru came to the scene. There was too much movement tonight, and they couldn't sleep at all.

"Father, what happened?" First Young Master Bai asked as soon as he arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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