Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 269 This king won't do anything to you

Chapter 269 This king won't do anything to you

"Yes." Ye Qingge responded lightly.

Yu Qianjue opened his eyes, and his eyes met a beautiful and delicate face. Ye Qingge was also looking at Yu Qianjue at this time, his four eyes met, and the air suddenly became more subtle.

Ye Qingge quickly shifted his gaze, and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible, "You have a good rest, I'm leaving first."

"and many more."

"What else?"

"At Bai's house just now, you promised me that as long as we leave alive, you will tell me the answer.

Do you...do you like me? "

Yu Qianjue's voice suddenly became very serious, and he looked at Ye Qingge without blinking, as if his breathing had stopped.

At this moment, even if Ye Qingge wanted to escape, he couldn't find a reason.

After all, she liked him to the point where she couldn't extricate herself.

This man would risk everything for her, so why didn't she take a gamble?Even if this relationship cannot blossom and bear fruit in the end, as long as you try hard, you will have no regrets.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingge directly met Shang Yu Qianjue's gaze, and formally responded with a firm and powerful voice,
"Yes, I like you."

I like you, Yu Qianjue thinks, these are the four most beautiful words he has ever heard in his life.

Xiao Ge'er finally admitted it!

Xiao Ge'er is finally tempted!

Xiao Ge'er is finally his!
Yu Qianjue was overjoyed, regardless of whether he was injured or not, he jumped out of the bed, suddenly hugged Ye Qingge into his arms, and hugged him fiercely, for fear that Ye Qingge would run away.

"Xiao Ge'er, can you say it again? This king is afraid that all this is a dream, and when you wake up from the dream, you will become that indifferent you again, and you will never talk to me again."

Although Yu Qianjue is domineering and black-bellied, he is usually noble and unparalleled, but emotionally, he is an ordinary man who longs to be liked by his sweetheart, so he is somewhat cautious.

Ye Qingge smiled helplessly, she had expressed her heart, Yu Qianjue was still like this, how unfeeling she was before, that made Yu Qianjue so unbelievable.

The smile on Yu Qianjue's face grew brighter.

"Xiao Ge'er, I'm so happy, really happy, you are finally mine."

"That's not necessarily the case, I just admit that I like you, but I don't necessarily want to be with you.

Moreover, I like many people, I like Grandpa, I like Ye Han, I like Lu Xiao, I like Gong Wuchen, you are just one of them. "

"What?" Yu Qianjue was about to explode when he heard these words.

Seeing Yu Qianjue's posture, Ye Qingge gave a "puchi" smile on the spot, and happily explained,
"But...you are the most special."

"Hmph, it's more or less the same." Yu Qianjue raised his chin arrogantly, and then warned,
"This kind of special, you can only treat this king forever. If you let me know that you have other men in your heart, I will..."

"So what?" Ye Qingge asked calmly.

Yu Qianjue's expression suddenly turned cold, and his voice was tinged with coldness, "This king will make that man regret coming to this world, and you..."

Looking at Ye Qingge's star-like eyes, Yu Qianjue finally made up his mind to let go. He just stroked Ye Qingge's cheek and said seriously,
"Little Geer, you will never betray me, will you?"

Yu Qianjue once suffered a betrayal, and that blow almost destroyed his life, until he met Ye Qingge, he slowly walked out of the shadows.

If Ye Qingge was like that person and gave him a second unforgettable betrayal, then Yu Qianjue didn't know what he would do.

There is often only a thin line between heaven and hell.

Sensing that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows. She never promises her feelings.

Life is impermanent, and the world is changing every moment. Today's firm belief may collapse tomorrow.

What Yu Qianjue wanted, she couldn't give.

"I..." Ye Qingge hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

Yu Qianjue's heart sank suddenly, and the beauty of the confession just now was instantly shattered.

Could Xiao Ge'er's world still not be able to accommodate him after all?



It was he who had a problem. Xiao Ge'er had just opened her heart, but he threw her such a difficult problem and put so much pressure on her that no one could bear it.

He can't pass on the shadow of the past to Xiao Ge'er, it's not fair to Xiao Ge'er at all.

Ye Qingge is not that person, she will never betray herself, absolutely not!

Yu Qianjue's eyes were heavy, and in order to ease the atmosphere, he directly changed the subject and said: "It's very late, let's go to bed first, and we will go back to Ye's house together tomorrow."

"Yes." Ye Qingge agreed in a low voice, then shook her head violently, "No, I'll ask Mr. Guan to rearrange the room, and you sleep by yourself."

After speaking, Ye Qingge took a step back, guarding Yu Qianjue like a wolf.

Yu Qianjue curled his lips and said: "This king is injured now, so I won't do anything to you."

"I don't believe it." After speaking, Ye Qingge ran out of the room and disappeared in a flash.

Yu Qianjue touched his chin helplessly, he was extremely puzzled, is he such a beast?

Well, there might be.

Yu Qianjue laughed at himself, then sat back on the bed, and after about half a stick of incense, he calmed down before he said in a cold voice,

"Rin, come out."

"What are your orders, Master?" Rin appeared instantly, his figure as fast as lightning.

Yu Qianjue looked at Rin, and ordered directly: "Find the person Grandpa Huang requested as quickly as possible."


The existence of his fiancée was a time bomb, he had to solve it as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Also, organize the black market to distribute all the masters in Qingyun Country, and prepare to destroy the Bai family at any time."


As for Yu Qianjue's orders, Rin only carried them out without asking why.

But there is one thing that he has to report to Yu Qianjue, "Master, Miss Ye doubts your identity very much. When you were unconscious just now, she kept asking about the masked man, so..."

Rin told Yu Qianjue about pretending to be a masked man.

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows slightly, Xiao Ge'er has now expressed his intentions, the existence of that masked man is no longer important.

However, in this way, did he deceive Xiao Ge'er?

If Xiao Geer finds out in the future, will she be angry?
(End of this chapter)

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