Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 270 The final battle between the Ye family and the Bai family

Chapter 270 The final battle between the Ye family and the Bai family

Yu Qianjue frowned, he couldn't think of an answer for the time being, but fortunately he suppressed this matter.

Night, gradually quiet.

The Ye family slept in a corner of the black market. Because she was too tired and too late, she didn't send someone back to Ye's house to report her safety, which also led to a series of accidents.

Of course, this is something.

The next day, the main hall of the Ye family.

When Mr. Ye sent someone to invite Ye Qingge to discuss business matters, he was told that Ye Qingge had never returned since he left last night.

The old man, who was always cautious, couldn't sit still when he heard the news.

"Ye Han, what's going on? Where did Qingge go? Where's Yu Qianjue?"

"Patriarch, the subordinates have sent people to investigate, I believe there will be news soon." Ye Han was also worried, but calmer than Old Man Ye.

It didn't take long for the guards to hear the news, and hurried back to report, "Patriarch! Something is wrong!"

"What happened?"

"Last night, Miss Six and Young Master Yu went to Bai's house and made a big fuss in Bai's house. Now their whereabouts are unknown."


Mr. Ye stood up directly from the tiger leather chair, his face was extremely solemn, and he wished he could rush directly to Bai's house.

At this time, the guard continued to report: "Patriarch, there is another bad news. The Bai family ambushed three thousand masters outside the city. After the accident last night, all those masters were urgently transferred to the main house of the Bai family. Comparable to the Royal Palace Guards.

Not only that, Fengyun Sect also sent many masters to Qingyun Country to support the Bai family, and it is estimated that they will arrive at noon today. "

One trouble after another was stuffed into Old Man Ye's mind, and Old Man Ye only felt his scalp tingling, which was extremely difficult.

Although this day has long been expected, the speed of the Bai family is faster than he imagined.

Fortunately, after the recent development of the Ye family, it has also expanded a lot of power. Even if the Bai family has three thousand masters, the Ye family will not be afraid!

It's just that Fengyunzong... is a problem.

But even so, it can't stop Mr. Ye's determination to save his granddaughter!
The granddaughter's whereabouts are unknown now, and nine out of ten are in the hands of the Bai family. He must rescue the granddaughter quickly, otherwise the granddaughter will definitely not end well with the Bai family's methods.

"Ye Han, pass on the order, all the guards are ready, and in a quarter of an hour, go to the Bai family to ask for someone!"

"As ordered!"

Ye Han clasped his fists, with a solemn expression, shining in silver and white armor.

Soon, a thousand Ye family troops were ready.

These guards are all carefully selected talents by Mr. Ye recently. At the same time, they have also been guided by Yu Qianjue. They are all brave and heroic, and they are extraordinary.

In terms of quantity, the Ye family's army is not as numerous as the Bai family's, but their quality is definitely not bad. If they arrive before Feng Yunzong arrives, there is a great chance to "rescue Ye Qingge"!

Old Man Ye shouted, and after the sound of a gong, he rode a black horse and led all the masters of the Ye family towards the Bai family.

The final battle between the Bai family and the Ye family is finally about to start!

Along the way, all the people gave way automatically, and the crowd started a heated discussion.

"The Ye family, who have endured it for eight years, is finally about to fight. You say this duel, who will win?"

"There are many Bai families, and they have always occupied the throne of the first family. With the Fengyun Sect as the backstage, I think the Ye family is very important!"

"Although this is the case, I still hope that the Ye family can win."

"I hope so..."

There was a hint of anticipation in the eyes of everyone looking at the Ye family, hoping that the Ye family could win a big victory, and let the bullies of the Bai family get out as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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