Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 281 Those who bully the Ye family will never be forgiven lightly!

Chapter 281 Those who bully the Ye family will never be forgiven lightly!

Withdrawing the fireball, Yu Qianjue let the middle-aged envoy regain his freedom. The middle-aged envoy took a deep breath. After the fireball disappeared, the heat finally stopped. It really suffocated him just now!
However, if the middle-aged messenger is happy, some people will be unlucky.

When Rong Shizi heard that he was abandoned by Fengyunzong, he wanted to die, and the high branch that Rong Wangfu had finally climbed, why did he disappear without a word!
"Master Messenger, the Rong Palace is loyal to you, you can't just abandon us like this." Rong Shizi begged aloud.

The middle-aged envoy snorted coldly. The reason why he accepted Rongwang's mansion at the beginning was just to contain the Bai family. Now that the Bai family is gone, Ye Qingge and Rongwang's mansion have another grudge.

"Miss Ye, you can dispose of this trash as you like." After the middle-aged messenger finished speaking, he turned around and flew to the inside of Bai's house, as if he was looking for something.

Ye Qingge ignored the messenger and just turned his attention to Rong Shizi.

Not long ago, this man was a brown candy she couldn't get rid of, disgusting and troublesome.

Now that her strength has improved, she finally doesn't have to look at this guy's face anymore, and she feels so refreshed.

"Rong Shizi, are you suicidal, or let me give you a ride?"

Ye Qingge asked in a cold voice, she didn't want to kill them all like this, but Rong Wangfu actually helped the Bai family deal with the Ye family, so she had nothing to say.

She will never forgive anyone who bullies the Ye family!
Sensing Ye Qingge's murderous intent, Rong Shizi's heart instantly went cold.

As of now, he has no way out at all.

He regretted it very much, regretted it very much, why didn't he persist in the first place?

If he persisted, if he didn't dislike Ye Qingge so much, but treated her well, then the person standing beside her now would be himself?
Such a good gem, why did he dislike it back then?

Even if Ye Qingge is a good-for-nothing, but with that face, he shouldn't refuse!

Endless regret lingered in Rong Shizi's heart. Rong Shizi clenched his fists tightly. He didn't beg for mercy, nor scolded. He just looked at Ye Qingge fixedly, and asked in a low voice with unprecedented sincerity,

"Qingge, when we made our marriage contract back then, you asked me if I liked you. At that time...were you sincere?
You once really liked me, but I betrayed you, found Ye Mengru, and broke your heart, so you moved on, right? "

Rong Shizi knew that he couldn't survive, and he didn't want to struggle anymore, so he asked him a question that had haunted him for a long time.

Did Ye Qingge, who was timid and shy back then, really like him?
However, before Ye Qingge could answer this question, Yu Qianjue, the jealous maniac, said coldly: "You are not worthy of Xiao Geer at all, and you are not qualified to ask such questions!"

"Hehe, I'm not worthy? This son is her once legitimate fiancé! What are you?
Yu Qianjue, without you, she would have married me long ago!
wrong!And that bitch Ye Mengru!If she hadn't seduced this son, this son wouldn't be like this!ah--"

Rong Shizi was originally calm, but after being agitated by Yu Qianjue, his emotions began to go berserk again.

"Where is Ye Mengru, this son is going to kill her! It's all her fault!!!"

Rong Shizi yelled and cursed like a lunatic, and started searching for Ye Mengru in the audience. He remembered that Ye Mengru was still here just now.

At this time, Ye Mengru, who had fainted on the ground, just woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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