Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 282 Prince, the icing on the cake

Chapter 282 Prince, the icing on the cake

Hearing that Rong Shizi was going to kill her, Ye Mengru turned pale with fright, and hurriedly stumbled to Old Master Ye,
"Grandpa, save Mengru, Mengru knows that she is wrong! You must save me!"

When Old Man Ye heard Ye Mengru calling for help, his expression flickered for a moment, but he disappeared soon.

This granddaughter has let him down time and time again, and even united with the Bai family to deal with the Ye family. Based on this, it is unforgivable!
Mr. Ye ignored Ye Mengru and put her aside.

Hearing Ye Mengru's voice, Rong Shizi immediately turned black, strode over, and kept cursing, "Bitch, it was all your fault that you seduced me!"

"No, Rong Shizi, let Mengru go..."

Ye Mengru knelt down and begged for mercy, her face was full of tears, she wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape at all.

Rong Shizi grabbed Ye Mengru's hair, slapped her across the face, then punched and kicked, cursing at the same time.

Ye Qingge couldn't stand it anymore. Although Ye Mengru was not a good person, Rong Shizi's despicable behavior made her even more disgusted!
A silver needle was shot, hitting Shizi Rong's shoulder!

Rong Shizi suddenly lost his strength, and his whole body was limp on the ground. He raised his head and looked at Ye Qingge. His face that was still manic just now returned to despair.

Hehe, he was always in such a mess in front of her, like a mad dog biting people.

Even the last time, it didn't leave a good impression.

It seems that this is fate.


Rong Shizi suddenly started laughing wildly, with endless sadness in his laughter, he didn't know if he was laughing at others or himself.

Ye Qingge frowned, feeling that the sound was harsh, just when she decided to fire another silver needle and send Rong Shizi directly to hell.

Rong Shizi directly concentrated his palm force and slapped himself on the head!
A stream of blood flowed from the top of Rong Shizi's head, Rong Shizi's eyes widened, and he fell down straight, dead.

With a cold face, Ye Qingge took back the silver needle and did not speak.

At this time, when King Rong saw his own son dead, he was suddenly paralyzed. He wanted to go over to take a look, but was forcibly stopped by a voice.

"Prince Rong's Mansion and the Bai Family intend to conspire against each other. The evidence is conclusive. I am ordered by the Holy Prince to arrest and bring you to justice immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, the crown prince, Huang Fucheng, rushed to the scene "in time" with hundreds of Royal Guardsmen.

Before King Rong could resist, he was gagged by a group of masters and dragged down forcibly.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge couldn't help chuckling, a certain prince came in time, he didn't come early, he didn't come late, he came only after the dust settled, what does this mean?
"Miss Ye, the prince's late arrival has surprised you all. Don't worry, the royal family will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter." Huangfu clearly wanted to curry favor with Ye Qingge when he said this.

It's a pity that the icing on the cake is far worse than sending carbon in the snow.

And the prince's friendship is too hypocritical.

Ye Qingge smiled lightly, as a response to the crown prince, then looked at Huang Fujing of the Lu family, and said loudly: "Everyone, thank you for your help. The Ye family has remembered this kindness."

"Miss Ye, it's just a small effort, it's nothing to worry about."

Huangfu Jing's tone was polite, but no matter how he looked at it, he seemed very satisfied.Obviously, he made the right bet this time!

The Lu family waved their hands, they didn't care about human feelings at all, as long as the matter was resolved.

The old Patriarch Lu took advantage of it and said obediently, "Girl, you came too early just now, old man, I didn't enjoy myself at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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