Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 292 "Fiancee" Surfaces

Chapter 292 "Fiancee" Surfaces

"Miss Mu, the marriage contract between you and me is purely a misunderstanding, I hope you don't take it to heart.

The 300 million gold is my compensation to you. After signing this agreement, you and I will have nothing to do with each other from now on. "

Yu Qianjue put a gold card and an agreement in front of the girl.

The girl lowered her head and clenched her hands tightly. Even though her nails were embedded in her flesh, she didn't feel any pain.

Because at this moment, the sadness in her heart was far greater than the pain in her body.

Why is this happening?

Obviously two days ago, when the black market found her, they also said that she was the future princess of the Dragon Empire. Why did she get divorced in the blink of an eye?

She thought that this time, she could fly up a branch and become a phoenix, but in the end, it turned out to be nothing but joy.

"No, I won't sign it... I am your future princess, they said, this marriage was ordered by the emperor, you can't divorce me..." The girl's attitude was very firm, but her tearful eyes seemed to be her own. Very weak.

If it was an ordinary man, seeing such a beautiful girl crying like pear blossoms with rain, would definitely feel distressed.

But Yu Qianjue is not an ordinary man, no matter how much the girl cries or pleads, he never backs down!
"Your Highness, I will not cause you any trouble. Even if you only give me the status of a concubine, I am satisfied. Please don't break the engagement, okay?"

The girl's cries became more and more sad. Over the years, she had never met such a handsome and outstanding man as Yu Qianjue. Let alone being a concubine, she would be willing to stay by his side as a maidservant!

However, the more women behave like this, the more disgusted Yu Qianjue becomes.

"Miss Mu, I advise you not to toast or eat fine wine, otherwise..."

Yu Qianjue's eyes suddenly became cold, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, just one look, and all the little things in the girl's heart were instantly shattered!

"I...I sign..."

The girl was terrified. Although Yu Qianjue was still handsome, like an unattainable male god above the nine heavens, this male god had a murderous aura and could kill her immediately.

Although I want to be a princess, how can I be a princess if I lose my life?
The girl struggled for a while, and slowly thought about it. Anyway, this marriage was very inexplicable, and she didn't know what the origin of this man was.

After signing this agreement, there will be a compensation of 300 million gold, so just sign it.

The girl held the pen and began to fill out the agreement with trembling hands. This agreement is very complicated, and there are many things to fill in, including birth date, personality and preferences.

The reason why Yu Qianjue did this was to prevent someone from tripping him up in this marriage after returning to Longteng Empire.

However, after the girl filled in the birth date, Yu Qianjue found that the age was wrong!
Grandpa Huang said that his fiancée, who is probably not yet 14 years old, has a plum blossom birthmark on her body.

Now, this Miss Mu has a birthmark of Fu and Plum Blossom, but she is more than a year older!

"Are you fifteen this year?" Yu Qianjue asked coldly.

The girl had already had a shadow over Yu Qianjue, she didn't dare to respond at all, she only dared to nod slightly.

Yu Qianjue frowned, and said angrily, "Rin, how do you do things?"

When Lin heard Yu Qianjue's summons, she immediately appeared from the shadows, then took out a document and respectfully handed it to the table.

"Master, according to the results of our investigation, this girl's official information is indeed not yet fourteen..."

"Then what is going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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