Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 293 It's Actually Fake!

Chapter 293 It's Actually Fake!
Yu Qianjue's face was dark, he had worked so hard to plan for several days, but he found the wrong person?

To tease him on purpose? !

"Subordinates...subordinates don't know..." Rin looked confused, he looked for someone according to the requirements, the woman in front of him was the only one who fulfilled the requirements in the entire Qingyun Kingdom, why was he still wrong?

"What's the matter with your age?" Rin asked, asking the girl to clarify.

The girl was already afraid of Yu Qianjue, but now that Rin came again, she was even more afraid.

She didn't dare to lie, she looked at Rin with trepidation, and said stammeringly: "My lord, I... I was born in an unlucky year, and the fortune teller said that I beat my father and my mother, so my father changed it for me." Age, I hope to change the fate, so it has become like this..."

After the girl finished speaking, she became even more frightened.

At this moment, Yu Qianjue didn't want to say anything anymore, he waved his hand, motioning for the girl to leave.

Seeing this, the girl immediately understood that she was not the person the other party was looking for, and felt extremely disappointed.

First, it was because of the 300 million taels of gold, and second, it was because he missed this man.

However, the combination of these two is not life-threatening.

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, she got up and left quickly, her back was in a panic.

Seeing the girl leaving, Yu Qianjue closed his eyes slightly, trying to restrain his emotions, the veins on his forehead twitched, he knew how angry he was now without even thinking about it.

Rin knew that she was not good at handling things, which caused things to become like this, and she felt extremely ashamed.

He thought for a while, and suggested in a low voice, "Master, anyway, this girl's official age is fine, and she has a birthmark, why don't we just plan..."

"Grandpa Huang is very scheming and tricks him with a fake fiancee. Do you think it's possible?"

Yu Qianjue had a cold face. Using the divorce agreement was already the biggest risk. If he used a fake fiancee again, he might never even think about stepping out of the empire once he went back.

"Forget it, let the black market continue to look for it. Next time, after confirming the information is correct, I will notify the king."


Rin took the order, and immediately retreated, hiding in the dark.

Yu Qianjue got up, feeling more and more depressed. He turned his head to look outside the attic, and a bright and moving smiling face appeared in his mind.

I've been busy looking for people recently, and I rarely see Xiao Ge'er. It's only been two or three days, and he feels like half a century.

Go back early today, and be sure to stay with Xiao Geer for a while.

Thinking of Ye Qingge, Yu Qianjue's always stern face became softer, like ice that had been frozen for thousands of years and melted into a pool of spring water.

He rushed towards Ye's house as fast as he could, shrinking to an inch, and his figure was like lightning.

On the other side, a corner near Ye's house.

After Ye Qingge ran here, he wanted to continue running, but was firmly stopped by Gong Wuchen.

"Miss Ye, don't be too sad, there may be a misunderstanding just now, maybe..."

"Don't say it! I don't want to hear it!"

Ye Qingge interrupted Gong Wuchen's words, she didn't want to hear any words related to Yu Qianjue, she would rather never know that person before!

The thing she was most afraid of came early. Sure enough, all men are just as scumbags!

Rong Shizi is like this, Yu Qianjue is also like this, she doesn't want to trust anyone anymore!

"Okay, I won't talk about him, but I hope you don't torture yourself...I...I will feel bad..."

Seeing Ye Qingge's sad appearance, Gong Wuchen was also very sad.

The Ye Qingge he knew had always been confident, strong, and cheerful. He had never been as lost as he is now, like a bird with its wings broken.

If Yu Qianjue will bring harm to Ye Qingge, can he try to be her guardian knight?
(End of this chapter)

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