Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 294 Let Me Be Your Guardian Knight

Chapter 294 Let Me Be Your Guardian Knight

"Miss Ye, actually I..."

Gong Wuchen whispered, wanting to hug Ye Qingge into his arms and give her a lifetime of happiness and stability.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Qingge's murderous intent without warning!
Who is Ye Qingge, a master doctor of the 21st century, who has already died once, although he was moved by Yu Qianjue, he has never lost himself.

Since Yu Qianjue was in two boats, it was his fault, why should she be sad?Why torture yourself?

Crying and lamenting endlessly, that's what only weak people do!
Only by killing Yu Qianjue can her anger be eliminated!
"Miss Ye, you..."

Sensing the drastic change in Ye Qingge's temperament, Gong Wuchen was a little worried. After all, with Ye Qingge's strength, he was definitely not Yu Qianjue's opponent.

"Miss Ye, don't do stupid things, listen to me, there may be a misunderstanding about this matter."

"Okay, as long as Yu Qianjue can explain clearly, I will believe him. I can't explain clearly... Heh..." Ye Qingge sneered.

Gong Wuchen frowned, he thought he had a chance, but after hearing Ye Qingge say that, he felt hopeless.

In Ye Qingge's heart, Yu Qianjue is the only one.

And he doesn't even have the possibility of being a substitute.

Thinking of this result, Gong Wuchen laughed at himself, and asked with a probing and expectant tone, "Miss Ye, do you really like Yu Qianjue?"

"I don't like it! I don't like it at all!" Ye Qingge responded against his will.

At this moment, Yu Qianjue, who hurried back to Ye's house, happened to come to this corner.

Hearing the conversation between Ye Qingge and Gong Wuchen, his heart suddenly turned cold, what happened?Why is Xiao Ge'er here with Gong Wuchen?And why do you say you don't like him?

Yu Qianjue really wanted to come out immediately, but for some reason, he just stayed there and continued to eavesdrop.

At this time, Gong Wuchen continued to ask: "Miss Ye, you don't like Yu Qianjue, so do you have someone you like?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows, after she got angry, she finally noticed that Gong Wuchen was in a bad mood.

Gong Wuchen smiled lightly, no longer hiding it, but confessed generously: "Miss Ye, I like you, let me be your guardian knight, okay?"


Ye Qingge was stupefied, and before he could digest his depression towards Yu Qianjue, Gong Wuchen suddenly confessed, what day is today, why is it so troublesome?

"Miss Ye, I know you are in a difficult situation, but I mean it sincerely.

I'm afraid that if I don't say these words now, I won't have the opportunity to say them later.

In fact, the first time I saw you, when you helped me cure my illness, I was tempted. You gave me hope and saved me from the cold and dark world.

In my heart, you are my sunshine, my warmth.

Every time you delivered me medicine, I counted the time and counted the days, and it felt like a day was longer than a year.

Now, I would like to ask you to give me a chance. I will never make you sad like Yu Qianjue did. I will stick to it and treat you forever.

Let me protect you, okay? "

Gong Wuchen's confession was simple and true, every single word represented his heart, and the young man's clear and pure eyes were filled with love for the girl.

If it was an ordinary girl, hearing such a confession, her heart would have melted long ago.

However, Ye Qingge had just been hurt by Yu Qianjue, so she really couldn't accept this relationship.

"Sorry, I……"

"You don't need to rush to answer, you can think about it more."

(End of this chapter)

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