Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 323 I Like the Black Market Commander

Chapter 323 I Like the Black Market Commander

"I bother!"

Nangong Ling was even angrier. She didn't have a place to speak. She is Ye Qingge's friend, so she has the right to stand up and complain to Ye Qingge.

Others dare not, but she dares!

"Yu Qianjue, I know you are strong, I can't beat you, but don't you want me to shut up!
A heartless person like you deserves to live forever..."

"do not talk!"

Ye Qingge stood up and stopped Nangong Ling from continuing. Some things, at this point, there is actually nothing to say.

Yu Qianjue is so indifferent, she doesn't need to be mean and talk nonsense with him.

"Sister Qingge..."

Huangfu Qianqian cried out in a low voice, like a child who has done something wrong.

With a sullen face, Ye Qingge reluctantly said: "It's okay, you don't need to worry about this matter."


Nangong Ling wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Huangfu Qianqian, "Cousin Qingge, I know you are sad, but don't blame His Highness, hate me if you want, I never thought that I am His Highness's fiancée ..."

Huangfu Qianqian's words are not consolation, they are clearly adding salt to the wound!

At this time, Huangfu Qianqian was secretly proud in her heart, after waiting for so long, it finally came to this day!Although she hasn't got Yu Qianjue completely, but at least she is stronger than Ye Qingge, that's enough!

Seeing the opportunity, Huangfu Jingshu came out and said, "Miss Ye Six, being abandoned by His Royal Highness, although it is a shameful thing, but you are beautiful, there will definitely be a chance.

If you don't mind, this princess can introduce you to a few outstanding children from aristocratic families, so that you will never be abandoned again. "

Huangfu Qianqian and Huangfu Jingshu attacked one after the other. Ye Qingge's identity was already embarrassing, but now it has become a joke.

The so-called extreme embarrassment is probably like this.

At such a time, most people would probably have cried aggrievedly, or found a crack in the ground to sneak in.

However, Ye Qingge did not. She took a deep breath, straightened her back proudly, and said in a voice as calm as water,

"Who said I was abandoned?

I have nothing to do with His Royal Highness, and we just cooperated with each other before.

Besides, the person I like is not His Royal Highness, but..."

Ye Qingge glanced around, and his eyes fell on Gong Wuchen.

At this time, she really wanted Gong Wuchen to come out to block the knife, so that she would not be too embarrassed.

Gong Wuchen also understood what Ye Qingge meant, he was willing to help, and was willing to come out to prove it and help Ye Qingge save face.

However, in the end, Ye Qingge still did not choose Gong Wuchen.

She didn't want to hurt this innocent boy, if he was involved, it would only make him suffer.

After thinking about it, Ye Qingge changed his tune, "I like the leader of the black market, and he likes me, otherwise I wouldn't cooperate with the black market."

When Ye Qingge told lies, she did it in a set way, without blushing at all!

Anyway, the leader of the black market is powerful, and he comes and goes without a trace. It shouldn't matter if you pull him in, just explain it better next time.

As for whether other people believe it or not, she doesn't bother to care.

There was no sound at the banquet.

Since everyone heard the words "black market leader", their expressions became more and more surprised.

In the Hongmeng Continent, the black market is a powerful force comparable to the imperial power. The black leader is extremely mysterious, powerful, and wealthy. He always wears a mask on his face, and no one has seen what he looks like.

But even so, he is still a fantasy in the hearts of countless girls!
Now, the mysterious and powerful leader of the black market actually likes Ye Qingge?

Did something go wrong? !

(End of this chapter)

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