Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 324 The Special Envoy Against Ye Qingge

Chapter 324 The Special Envoy Against Ye Qingge
"Ye Qingge, your lie is too outrageous!"

Huangfu Qianqian looked disdainful, but she was actually jealous. She thought she had won today, but she didn't expect that behind Ye Qingge, there was actually a leader of the black market!
Damn it!Why did you still lose in the end!

Huangfu Qianqian refused to accept it!

Ye Qingge sneered, this is what she wanted. Anyway, the black market leader is not around, so even if others suspect, there is no evidence.

At this time, a voice in the crowd discussed,

"The last time Guan Lao came to the palace and explained it to Ye Qingge, I felt very strange. How could such a powerful organization in the black market value Ye Qingge so much? So there is such a relationship!"

"Ye Qingge is really not simple!"

"Being able to have friendship with the black market, and to be liked by the leader of the black market, what kind of blessings did this Ye Qingge accumulate in her previous life?"


Those who were abandoned because of Ye Qingge just now, and then looked at Bian Ye Qingge, now have changed their faces.

After all, the identity of the leader of the black market is not weaker than that of His Royal Highness. If Ye Qingge really becomes the wife of the leader of the black market, he will have to win over her a lot in the future.

What's more, even without those identities, they can't underestimate Ye Qingge's talent in refining medicine alone!

The atmosphere on the scene reversed again.

Gong Wuchen was slightly disappointed, he wanted to come out to protect Ye Qingge, but Ye Qingge didn't give him a chance at all, so in her heart, he was so small.

Forget it, as long as Ye Qingge is happy, the rest... just let nature take its course for now.

At this time, Yu Qianjue raised his wine glass and said calmly: "Miss Ye and the leader of the black market are really a match made in heaven, my king blesses you both."

Ye Qingge listened to the blessing, but her heart was pierced like a knife. The man who was the most jealous, the man who couldn't hold a grain of sand in his eyes, actually blessed her and another man at this time.

Yu Qianjue, whether you lie or change your mind, why do you still torture me like this?

You clearly know that your blessing is the greatest harm to me.

No matter how Huangfu Qianqian and Huangfu Jingshu play tricks, I don't care, as long as you stand by my side.

But now, you are more cruel and insane than them!

Ye Qingge's teeth were shaking, she used all her strength to control her emotions, pretending to joke,

"Your Highness, we don't know each other well. It's best to avoid your polite blessing, otherwise my family will be jealous if they know about it~"

"Bold and unreasonable! Your Highness is distinguished! You take the initiative to bless you, but you dare to speak rudely! Emperor Qingyun, what crime do you think should be done?"

Lord Shangguan's eyes were dark, and his eyes were firmly fixed on Ye Qingge. Ever since Ye Qingge started talking, he began to notice this girl.

If this girl, as Emperor Qingyun said, has attracted His Highness Juewang's heart, then she must be killed!

The royal family is a ruthless place, and the struggle for imperial power is even more bloody everywhere, cannibalizing people without spitting out their bones, and this girl must not be allowed to become His Highness's weakness!

Just now, he deliberately wanted to punish Ye Qingge for his crime, just to see what His Highness would do, and whether he would come forward to protect her.

If it is guaranteed, Ye Qingge must die!
Yu Qianjue sat beside him, under his calm appearance, there were turbulent waves, burning anxiety, and heartache.

Of course he could see that Lord Shangguan was probing, the more he couldn't show up at such a time, it would only hurt Xiao Ge'er.

His heart is more painful and uncomfortable than Ye Qingge's!

I hope Emperor Qingyun will be sensible and not really punish Xiao Geer...


(End of this chapter)

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