Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 352 Mutual Threats

Chapter 352 Mutual Threats
When the two armies confront each other, the competition is not only about strength, but also psychological quality.

Concubine Ye Gui proposed the continuation pill at this time, proving that she did not want anything to happen to Yu Qianjue. His Highness the Juewang of the Dragon Empire died in Qingyun Kingdom.

At that time, even if there are ten Qingyun countries, it will not be enough to pay.

Concubine Ye Gui is a smart person, she won't do such a stupid thing and leave people with excuses.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, the eunuch came out again.

This time, he still had an arrogant expression on his face, but his tone of speech was a little better than before,
"Miss Ye Six, the imperial concubine is here to invite you."

Ye Qingge nodded slightly, then walked towards the palace.

Ye Han and Nangong Ling followed closely behind, but were stopped by the eunuch, "The imperial concubine said, I only see Miss Ye Six, and other people are not allowed to enter."

"Bah! You just want to stop Miss Ben?"

Nangong Ling has a violent temper, he always counts pennies and pennies, and doesn't take any losses.

Ye Qingge gave her a look, signaling her not to make trouble, she has her own way of doing this.

Nangong Ling was still unwilling, but she had no way to refute Ye Qingge's orders, so she had no choice but to agree.

"Sister Qingge, come out earlier."


Ye Qingge nodded, and then continued to walk forward.

Now that she has come here, she is mentally prepared, no matter what tricks Concubine Ye Gui has, she will deal with them one by one.

As long as you can get the life extension pill, it's worth it!
Soon, the eunuch brought Ye Qingge to the bedroom.

At this time, Huangfu Qianqian, who had lost one arm, was lying on the sickbed, with a weak look on his face, which was in stark contrast to the domineering and domineering one before.

As for Concubine Ye Gui, she was as shrewd as ever, making it hard for people to figure it out.

After Ye Qingge came, she greeted her with a smile, "Qingge, long time no see, this is your first time to see your aunt."

"It's the last time too!
Stop talking nonsense, what exactly do you want, so that you are willing to continue handing over the life pill? "

Ye Qingge cut to the chase, and immediately talked about the life extension pill.

Concubine Ye Gui was planning to act a hypocritical family drama, but she didn't expect Ye Qingge to be so straightforward. If that's the case, then she won't act.

"Life extension pill is the life-saving trump card bestowed by His Majesty on this concubine. It is the most important thing for this concubine. Since you want it, you must show some sincerity."

Concubine Ye Gui's eyes were dark, and her tone was inexplicably cold.

Ye Qingge shot back in a steady voice: "Concubine Ye Gui, you'd better be clear, it's not that I need the life-sustaining pill, but His Royal Highness needs the life-sustaining pill.

If the treatment of His Royal Highness Jue was delayed, Emperor Qingyun would know.I'm afraid neither you nor your daughter will have a good time. "

"Are you threatening my concubine?

Unfortunately, temporarily useless.

Your Majesty and the Queen have recently gone to the Summer Resort and will not be back until the day after tomorrow. You can't afford to wait until your Majesty the King. "

Concubine Ye Gui's expression became even more sinister.

The reason why she dared to threaten so boldly was entirely because Emperor Qingyun was not in the palace, and no one could control her.

It's useless to coerce her with power!
Ye Qingge frowned, and without wasting any more words, she asked directly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, just agree to the three conditions of this concubine."

"Which three?"

"First, you must stand where you are and let my daughter slap you ten times, you can't fight back!"

Concubine Ye Gui wanted to avenge Huangfu Qianqian, so of course she had to choose the most ruthless way to get revenge.

Slapping in the face is just foreplay!
(End of this chapter)

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