Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Ye Qingge glanced slightly, did not refuse, did not agree, just asked lightly: "What about the second one?"

"Second, you must kneel down and kowtow three times to my daughter!"

Ye Qingge has always been proud, even the emperor does not kneel, making her kneel to the emperor's wife is undoubtedly a humiliation to her.

Ye Qingge still didn't respond to this, but asked calmly, "What about the third one?"

"Third, and the most important one, I want you to cut off your own arm just like my daughter!
As long as you do these three things, this concubine can give you the life extension pill.

Ye Qingge, His Royal Highness's life is completely in your hands. If you don't agree, you will kill him. "

Sure enough, like a daughter, like a mother.

Huangfu Qianqian was despicable and shameless, and Concubine Ye Gui was even more despicable and shameless than Huangfu Qianqian, and she actually came up with this method of revenge.

Ye Qingge sneered, if she agreed to these three points, then she would be stupid!

However, she doesn't mind, just play with the mother and daughter!

"Okay, I can promise, should I go and let her fight? Or should I stand here and let her come and fight?"

Ye Qingge looked as usual, as if he was not talking about slapping his face, but was discussing today's weather.

Concubine Ye Gui frowned, she just felt that Ye Qingge was not that simple this time.

Huangfu Qianqian was very happy, after waiting for so long, she could finally take revenge on Ye Qingge with a slap in the face, she was almost so happy!
"Hahaha—little bitch, you have today too!
You wait, this princess will teach you a lesson now! "

When Huangfu Qianqian heard that she could be slapped in the face, regardless of whether her body was injured or not, she forced herself to get out of bed, intending to slap Ye Qingge several times.

"Mother, please help me, I'll go right away."

Huangfu Qianqian extended his only hand to Concubine Ye Gui.

Concubine Ye Gui was a little hesitant, she looked at Ye Qingge, frowned and asked, "You're not playing tricks, are you?"

"The continuation pill is in your hands, I want Yu Qianjue to live, how dare I play tricks."

Ye Qingge shrugged his shoulders, quite helplessly and sincerely.

Huangfu Qianqian couldn't help but wanted to rush up and hit someone, she kept urging, "Mother Concubine, help me quickly, I'm going to take revenge!"

Concubine Ye Gui had no choice but to help Huangfu Qianqian get out of bed, and then came to Ye Qingge's side, only one step away from Ye Qingge.

Looking at Ye Qingge who was standing still, Huangfu Qianqian laughed wildly again, "Hahaha——Ye Qingge! I knew you couldn't beat me! You would never beat me!!!"

After finishing speaking, Huangfu Qianqian raised his hand.

Ye Qingge did stand in place without any resistance, as if waiting for Huangfu Qianqian's slap.

However, she waited for a long time, but Huangfu Qianqian did not hit him.

The reason is simple, someone is poisoned!
When Huangfu Qianqian got close to Ye Qingge, Ye Qingge secretly poured a poison called "Duoming Ruanjin Powder".

This poison is colorless and odorless, spreads through the air, and is only effective for the weak, so it is also known as "the nightmare of the weak".

Huangfu Qianqian's body was weak, and after being poisoned by this poison, of course he had no room to resist.

"Ye Qingge! What did you do to Qianqian!"

Concubine Ye Gui was furious, and when she saw Huangfu Qianqian fainting on the ground with purple lips, she knew she was poisoned.

"You threaten me with the person I care about the most, and of course I also threaten you with the person you care about the most.

Concubine, empress, the onset of this poison is extremely fast, and Huangfu Qianqian has at most a joss stick of time, if you don't want a white-haired person to give a black-haired person, you'd better hand over the life-extending pill!


(End of this chapter)

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