Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 355 I am here

Chapter 355 I'm Back
"Impossible... Could it be that this elixir is fake?
impossible!Absolutely impossible! ! ! "

Ye Qingge covered her head incoherently, she couldn't accept this reality, she was fine just now, why did she suddenly die?
"Qianjue, don't scare me, okay? Are you joking with me? This joke is not funny at all.

Qianjue, wake up... wake up..."

Ye Qingge's voice had a hint of crying.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, trying to test Yu Qianjue's breath, but halfway through her hand, she no longer had the courage.

She was scared, really scared.

Nangong Ling and Ye Han stood beside, seeing Yu Qianjue like this, they were also confused.

How did that happen?

"Sister Qingge, don't be too sad, maybe... maybe it's just an accident..."

"Don't say it."

Ye Han pulled Nangong Ling to prevent her from speaking.

Now Miss Six needs to be quiet.

Ye Qingge didn't hear the conversation between the two. At this moment, she only had Yu Qianjue in her heart.

She wants to save him, even if she snatches him from Lord Yan, she still wants to save him!
Ye Qingge took out the "Book of Alchemy", she remembered that there was a kind of elixir recorded in the book that could bring the dead back to life.

Since Life Renewal Pill doesn't work, then she will use other methods!

Yu Qianjue belongs to her, even a god can't take him away from her!
Ye Qingge kept flipping through the "Book of Alchemy", quickly looking for the prescription that could revive the dead, so crazy that people dare not approach.

In the Qiankun space, seeing Ye Qingge like this, Elder Kun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, destiny is numbered, girl, why bother?

"Qianjue, you will be fine, absolutely not!"

At this time, Ye Qingge had already read half of the book, and while she was comforting Yu Qianjue, she was comforting herself at the same time.

However, when she kept turning the pages of the book, a long and slender hand with well-defined bones blocked the pages of the book.

"Go away!"

Ye Qingge lifted his hand unceremoniously and continued to read.

The owner of the big hand was a little helpless, he leaned over to Ye Qingge's ear, his magnetic and pleasant familiar voice was even better than Tian Lai,
"Little Ge'er, because your husband is still alive, who are you crying for? Huh?"

When Ye Qingge heard this voice, her hands froze immediately, then she suddenly raised her head, and her eyes met a monstrously handsome face that was so handsome that both people and gods were angry!

It's Yu Qianjue! ! !

"Qian Jue!"

Ye Qingge yelled, and then hugged Yu Qianjue directly, hugging him tightly!

It was him, it was him!
The body is still hot, he is not dead, really not dead!
"Woooo...you bastard! Big bastard! You scared me to death just now!!!"

Ye Qingge wept with joy, she didn't know what to say other than this sentence, as long as Yu Qianjue came back, everything would be fine.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Yu Qianjue patted Ye Qingge's back lightly, his eyes were full of affection, the two of them hadn't hugged like this for a long time.

It's so good now.

Just like that, Yu Qianjue and Ye Qingge embraced quietly and tightly, as if time stopped and there was only each other in the world.

Nangong Ling and Ye Han on the side were very friendly, they looked at each other with a smile, and then left quietly, closing the door before leaving.

Yu Qianjue likes this kind of teammates!

After the two left, he reluctantly let go of Ye Qingge, then tapped Ye Qingge's eyebrows, and said four words,
"I am back."

Ye Qingge nodded heavily, well, she knew, he's back!
But there is one thing, she is still very curious.

"What happened just now? Your heartbeat is gone, I thought you..."

(End of this chapter)

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