Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 356 Yujue, you bastard

Chapter 356 Yu Qianjue, You Bastard

Speaking of this, Ye Qingge couldn't continue.

She couldn't imagine such a result.

Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge with great pity, the always sharp and indestructible little Ge'er had never been as fragile as today.

He used to think that Xiao Ge'er didn't like him that much, and didn't care about him that much. Most of the time, it was his wishful thinking.

But after this incident, Yu Qianjue realized that she, like himself, had already fallen into the abyss of each other and could not extricate herself.

Thinking of this, Yu Qianjue couldn't help but reflect on how much his behavior at the palace banquet last time hurt Xiao Geer.

Did it almost destroy this relationship?

The more Yu Qianjue thought about it, the more he regretted it. He pulled Ye Qingge into his arms again, comforted him gently, and explained softly,

"The heartbeat stopped just now because the heart was repairing. This process is very complicated, so there is a phenomenon of suspended animation."

"You'll be fine..."

Ye Qingge's hanging heart finally fell.

Great, her Qianjue is finally safe and sound.

After explaining that the heart stopped, Yu Qianjue suddenly regained his composure, then pushed Ye Qingge away by a centimeter, and said loudly,

"Little Geer, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!"

"what happened?"

Ye Qingge was a little puzzled.

Yu Qianjue said: "The first thing I'm sorry is that I shouldn't have lied to you.

In fact, a long time ago, I wanted to tell you about the "fiancée", but I was afraid that you would be angry, so I kept hiding it.

Unexpectedly, the result was worse than I thought...

The second one is I'm sorry, I shouldn't deliberately indifference you at the palace banquet.

At that time, Shangguan Yi came here by the emperor's order. He represented the emperor's grandfather, and with the emperor's character, if he knew of your existence, he might kill you.

So my indifference to you is actually to protect you.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Shangguanyi was still murderous. I am really sorry, not only did I not protect you well, but I also let you get into trouble.

As for the third sorry, that is the last thing I want to say.

Xiao Ge'er, I am the eldest grandson of the emperor of the Dragon Empire. My father is the prince and has passed away. After that, I was made the heir apparent by the emperor's grandfather. Many people wanted my life.

If they can't deal with me, they will turn to deal with you, just like the group of killers last time.

In the future, you may encounter many such troubles, if you don't want to be implicated, you can leave me now while it's still early..."

After Yu Qianjue finished speaking, he began to feel uncertain.

He said he could let Ye Qingge leave, but being selfish, he still hoped that Ye Qingge would stay.

Although there are many risks in the future, he will do his best to protect her, give her a happy life, and make her the most honorable woman in the entire Hongmeng Continent.

Of course, Yu Qianjue didn't say these words for the time being, he was afraid that Ye Qingge would be embarrassed.

He is waiting, waiting for Ye Qingge's answer

But after waiting for a while, Yu Qianjue not only did not get an answer, but also cursed.

"Yu Qianjue, you bastard! You are a big bastard!"

While cursing, Ye Qingge grabbed Yu Qianjue's collar and shouted again,

"How can you do this? You pushed me away at the palace banquet last time, and now you want to push me away again? Isn't it?
What can I say to leave you, do you know that it is this kind of stupid talk that hurts my heart the most!

If I, Ye Qingge, were afraid of death, I would not have caught up with you that day!
If I was afraid of death, I would have thrown you far away, so I wouldn't have saved your life!

You listen to me-

In this life, unless I die, I will never leave you! "

(End of this chapter)

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