Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 368 National Teacher, Zhanxian!

Chapter 368 National teacher, occupying thousands of strings!

That's what Yu Qianjue said, but in fact, once Shangguan Yi died, Emperor Longteng immediately knew who did it.

Shangguanyi is the confidant of Emperor Longteng. According to the rules of Longteng Empire, important officials have a special secret technique.

When a person dies, the secret technique reminds the caster who killed Shangguanyi.

It was based on this that Shangguanyi deliberately assassinated Ye Qingge just now, in order to make Ye Qingge the murderer.

Let her go to the Dragon Empire in the future, and she will no longer have a foothold!
At this moment, on the side of the Longteng Empire, the old Emperor Longteng, who was reviewing memorials in the imperial study, suddenly flashed a scene in front of his eyes!
That was the scene where Ye Qingge poisoned Shangguanyi!

His special envoy, Shangguan Yi, is dead!

It really is a witch! ! !
How dare you kill my people! ! ! "

The old emperor of Longteng was notoriously violent. He had dominated the Longteng Empire for decades.

This time, the envoy he sent not only failed to complete the task, but was also killed by Ye Qingge!

"A little girl from a third-rate country dares to touch my people!
Come on, immediately send a group of troops to sweep across Qingyun Kingdom, and capture that demon girl Ye Qingge back to me! "

Emperor Longteng has always been scheming and calm in situations.

This time, because he was so angry, he lost his mind for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, the Master of the National Teacher was also in the imperial study. As a fortune-teller, the Master of the National Teacher quickly found out everything.

He persuaded, "Your Majesty, this matter should not be impulsive. Ye Qingge and His Royal Highness are deeply in love. If you send troops, it will be tantamount to forcing His Royal Highness to disobey the imperial decree again.

Even... treason. "

"He dares!"

The old emperor blew his beard and stared. Yu Qianjue was trained by him alone. For the sake of a woman, he does not want the throne, but even opposes him. He will never allow it!

"Your Majesty, although His Royal Highness Jue doesn't dare, rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. If you push too fast, I'm afraid it will backfire."

Master Guoshi's voice is gentle, not in a hurry.

Slowly, the old emperor also calmed down a lot.

He knew that the grandson Yu Qianjue seemed to be under his control, but in fact, this kid had gradually matured and was no longer under his control.

If you push him too hard, it's easy to get into trouble.

"My lord, tell me what to do!"

The old emperor threw the problem to the national teacher.

The national teacher bowed and suggested, "Your Majesty, don't worry, His Royal Highness must still have you in his heart.

At this time, you just need to send a letter to him, asking him to come back earlier, and bring his fiancée and Ye Qingge along with him.

For the rest, it's not too late to decide when you come back. "

"Well, that's a good idea."

A light flashed across the eyes of the old emperor. Once Ye Qingge arrived in the Dragon Empire, even with Yu Qianjue protecting him, he would not be able to escape from his grasp!

This witch, he will solve it sooner or later!
"Okay, I will do as you say, Zhan Qianxian, you are worthy of being my good advisor! Hahaha——"

The old emperor stroked his beard, and then began to write letters.

Zhan Qianxian smiled faintly, turned around, and exited the imperial study.

When he walked around, the large white robe inlaid with gold was blown by the wind, and the three thousand silver hairs swayed gently, like the purest ice and snow on the peak of a snow mountain.

Arriving outside the imperial study room, Zhan Qianxian looked at the sunset not far away, the orange-yellow and purple-blue sky was beautiful, like the sunset he and his sweetheart watched together many years ago.

Long'er, I've been looking for you for 15 years, where are you now?Is it really in Hongmeng Continent?
 Without any precautions, Zhan Qianxian appeared~ He is the supporting role in Qibao's "The Crazy Concubine". Qibao is reluctant to write clearly].

  So this book tells the story of Zhan Qianxian who has been looking for Ye Linglong after she was reincarnated.

  Of course, their pen and ink will not be too much, and it will not affect the main plot.

  I hope everyone can like this pair of deputy CPs who are about to debut, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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