Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 369 Little Geer, what are you doing?

Chapter 369 Little Geer, what are you doing?
Let's talk about Ye Qingge.

After Shangguanyi's death, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue returned directly to Ye's house.

Because Ye Qingge's clothes were stained with blood, she prepared to change immediately.

Yu Qianjue stayed in the room, stared at Ye Qingge with a smile, and suggested, "Little Geer, how about I change it for you?"

"I have hands and feet, and I don't need your help!" Ye Qingge refused coldly.

Yu Qianjue nodded, and said cheekily, "Well, I'll watch you change."

"You are playing a hooligan!"

"Well, this king is only playing hooligans to you. Besides, you have seen this king's body so many times, and if you let him see it once, you are not at a loss, are you?"

Yu Qianjue laughed even harder.

In the beginning, he was actually just talking casually and didn't want to read it.

But the more Ye Qingge was like this, the more interested he was. He leaned in front of Ye Qingge and said rascally,

"Last time, you were still very young here, let my husband see if you have grown up?"

"Go away~"

Ye Qingge discovered that Yu Qianjue was really becoming more and more shameless!

Obviously in front of outsiders, this guy is polite and full of dignity, why does he become a beast in clothes when there are only two of them?
"You go out, I have to change clothes."

Ye Qingge put her hands on her chest, not to let Yu Qianjue touch her again.

Yu Qianjue shifted his position directly, put his hand on Ye Qingge's slender waist, and continued, "Little Geer, don't be shy, you will be mine sooner or later."

"Hey, if you don't leave, I'm going to call someone!" Ye Qingge raised the volume.

"Just scream, anyway, I'm your male favourite, don't be afraid." Yu Qianjue became shameless, Ye Qingge couldn't control it at all.

In desperation, Ye Qingge had no choice but to make a dangerous move!

Taking a deep breath, she took out three silver needles and pierced Yu Qianjue's three big acupuncture points with a "swoosh!"
Yu Qianjue was unprepared, Ye Qingge's stabbing made him unable to move.

"Little Geer, what are you doing? Murdering your own husband?"

After Yu Qianjue couldn't move, he was not afraid, but started to tease him instead.

Ye Qingge didn't care either, she pinched Yu Qianjue's cheek, and said in a rather smug voice,

"His Royal Highness, have you been fooled? From now on, you can't move a single bit within a stick of incense. Be honest!"

After speaking, Ye Qingge turned around, walked behind Yu Qianjue, turned back to Yu Qianjue, and began to change clothes.

You can't send Yu Qianjue away, even if you send him away, Yu Qianjue will probably still take a peek.

On the balance, she used this method so that Yu Qianjue couldn't see it.

Soon, there were rustling sounds of undressing, the sound of belts being untied, the sound of clothes falling to the ground, and the sound of clothes rubbing against skin.

Although Yu Qianjue could not move, his hearing was extremely sensitive.

Just hearing the sound of Ye Qingge undressing, he was already uncomfortable.

But at this moment, he couldn't move at all!
This is terrified of him!

"Little Ge'er, quickly untie the acupuncture points of your husband, okay?" Yu Qianjue asked in a low voice.


Ye Qingge directly refused.

Unlocking Yu Qianjue's acupoints is equivalent to sending herself into the mouth of jackals, she is not so stupid.

"But, for my husband... it's hard..."

Yu Qianjue's voice became even softer.

"Then feel uncomfortable!"

Ye Qingge followed Yu Qianjue's routine and refused again.

Yu Qianjue is suffering and can't tell, what is self-binding?This is!

(End of this chapter)

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