Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 370 I saw the birthmark

Chapter 370 I saw the birthmark

Suppressing the discomfort in his lower body, Yu Qianjue was burning with anxiety, just at this moment, the last voice of undressing came.

Yu Qianjue pricked up his ears, if he heard correctly, it was the sound of unbuttoning his bellyband...

At this moment, Yu Qianjue felt more and more uncomfortable. When he thought of that delicate and soft body, he couldn't help but want to throw himself down!
Yu Qianjue is 100% sure that Xiao Ge'er deliberately took revenge on him!

After sealing his acupoints, with Xiao Ge'er's personality, he would definitely go to another room to change clothes.

And not only did she not, but she also changed clothes behind him, deliberately not letting him see, clearly to torture him.

This kind of torture is called "sweet temptation".

With such a little goblin at the stall, Yu Qianjue felt that he would be eaten to death by his little princess in his life.

"Little Ge'er, I made a mistake for my husband. After becoming a husband, I won't bully you casually anymore. You can unlock my husband's acupoints, okay?"


Ye Qingge still had those two words. At this moment, she had already taken off all her clothes and was about to change into new ones.

Although the blood stain just now only stained his coat.

But Ye Qingge is still planning to replace them all, which is more comfortable.

At this time, if Yu Qianjue had a chance to turn around, he would definitely see a beautiful plum blossom on Ye Qingge's back, where the butterfly bone was, lifelike.

However, it's a pity that Yu Qianjue didn't have that "chance".

Just like that, Ye Qingge started to change into a new apron, skillfully, and quickly fastened her belt.

However, as cunning as Yu Qianjue, he won't be led away by Ye Qingge all the time.

After the request was fruitless, Yu Qianjue began to use his spiritual power to forcibly break through the acupoints. The first time, he failed, and the second time, he still failed.

But after the seventh time, he succeeded!

Ye Qingge's acupoint sealing technique is certainly powerful, but it is not a long-term solution when encountering a master like Yu Qianjue.

After unlocking the acupuncture points, Yu Qianjue smiled like a cunning fox.

He quietly turned his head and peeked at the scene of Ye Qingge changing clothes.

It just so happened that Ye Qingge had just changed into her underwear.

Because the inner garment was relatively thin and was of the translucent type, Yu Qianjue immediately noticed an abnormal mark on Ye Qingge's butterfly bone.

But what it is, I can't see it for the time being.

"Little Ge'er, there seems to be something behind you..." Yu Qianjue said directly.

"have what?"

Ye Qingge turned her head, and then suddenly came back to her senses, and then met Shang Yu Qianjue's sly eyes!

This guy actually rushed out of the acupuncture point!

how so fast !

"My husband has seen everything just now, and I am very satisfied." Yu Qianjue rubbed his chin, deliberately teasing, and the smile on his face was even wider.


Ye Qingge was speechless, she suppressed her anger, dressed quickly, and ignored Yu Qianjue.

After Yu Qianjue finished joking, he regained his seriousness and whispered, "I'm just joking, but I didn't see anything.

But Xiao Geer, there is really a mark on your back, is it a birthmark? "

"I don't have a birthmark."

Ye Qingge is very clear about this body, whether there is a birthmark or not, she knows in her heart.

But Yu Qianjue still insisted, "There is really a birthmark, if you don't believe me, you can take off your clothes and check it in the mirror.

Or, ask Weifu to check for you?Husband is very happy to serve! "

"You think beautiful!"

Ye Qingge thought that Yu Qianjue was talking nonsense and wanted to see her body on purpose, so she didn't stop Yu Qianjue at all, and put on her clothes.

Yu Qianjue didn't see the birthmark and looked a little regretful.

He couldn't help but said, "Maybe that birthmark is in the shape of a plum blossom..."

 Good night, please recommend tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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