Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 372

Chapter 372

Yu Qianjue clenched his fist unconsciously.

Taking a bath means not wearing any clothes. Can't you see the mark on Xiao Ge'er's back clearly?

Thinking of this, Yu Qianjue was a little excited.

Regarding the plum blossom birthmark, he has checked many people, but he has not checked Ye Qingge. If Xiao Ge'er really has a plum blossom birthmark, then many troubles will be solved!
Without any hesitation, Yu Qianjue directly pierced the window paper, and then peeked openly!
Inside the house, Ye Qingge was sitting in the tub, concentrating on taking a bath, enjoying the nourishment of the warm water.

From Yu Qianjue's angle, he could just see Ye Qingge's back, but unfortunately, the tub was so high that it blocked the part of the butterfly bone.

Only when Ye Qingge got up, he could see what happened.

Yu Qianjue waited and waited, waited and waited, but before Ye Qingge got up, he asked a curious question,

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

This is Nangong Ling's voice.

Nangong Ling also lived in Qingge's small courtyard. She got up at night to go to the latrine, and happened to see this scene.

Yu Qianjue was knocked out on the spot, and he didn't panic. He gave Nangong Ling a silent gesture to signal her not to speak.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Ye Qingge's hearing was keen, and she heard Nangong Ling as soon as she spoke.

Looking back towards the window, there was a small opening there. Although it was very secret, she still saw it.

Ye Qingge was so angry that she immediately got up, put on a piece of clothing without even wiping her body, and then came to the door, glaring at Yu Qianjue.

Seeing Ye Qingge who appeared suddenly, Yu Qianjue's ears began to turn red. Xiao Ge'er, who just got out of the bath, is so alluring!

Especially the looming curve, I can't wait to hold her in my arms immediately...

"Uh... I'm going first!"

After seeing Ye Qingge appearing, Nangong Ling knew that something was going on.

She quickly pretended that she didn't see or hear anything, and turned back to the house without disturbing the couple.

At this time, Ye Qingge was very angry. She looked at Yu Qianjue and asked, "You peeked at me taking a shower?"


Yu Qianjue didn't make any excuses, but admitted it generously.

Ye Qingge was even angrier, Yu Qianjue, it's okay to take advantage of her, how could he still... still...

"I just want to confirm the birthmark." Yu Qianjue quickly added.

Ye Qingge thought that Yu Qianjue was making excuses, so he said angrily, "I told you, I don't have a birthmark."

"Really, I didn't lie to you. I can swear on this."

Yu Qianjue was very sure that he read right that day.

Ye Qingge frowned, looking at Yu Qianjue's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, and even if he peeked, he wouldn't make such a bad excuse.

Does she really have a birthmark on her back?
"Wait, I'll check for myself. If not, see how I deal with you!"

Ye Qingge retreated to the room, closed the door directly, then walked to a bronze mirror, took off her wet coat, and looked carefully at her back.

Just like in memory, her back was white and smooth without any marks!

Yu Qianjue's so-called mark is pure nonsense!
Ye Qingge angrily put on the clothes just now, came to the door again, and said, "I checked again, nothing."

"Impossible, absolutely!" Yu Qianjue was very sure.

Ye Qingge felt that she was going crazy, she pulled Yu Qianjue into the room, then turned her back to Yu Qianjue, and directly lifted the back half of her back.

It was the same as before, without any marks, only a piece of wet water.

Yu Qianjue rubbed his eyes, and after checking carefully three times, he found that there was really nothing there, so he couldn't help being puzzled.

Impossible, he clearly remembered that there was clearly a mark last time, why is it gone today?
(End of this chapter)

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