Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 373 The Plum Blossom Birthmark "Disappeared"

Chapter 373 The Plum Blossom Birthmark "Disappeared"
"Your Highness, how do you explain now?"

Ye Qingge pulled up her clothes and put them on again, with a serious expression.

Yu Qianjue had nothing to say, there was last time, but not this time, who knows what happened.

However, looking at Xiao Ge'er's attitude, if it is difficult to explain, it must be another contradiction.

Yu Qianjue was tired of being misunderstood, and he didn't want to be misunderstood. He lowered his head, and after a long time, he whispered, "I probably misunderstood, sorry."

"anything else?"

"From now on... I will never peek again..."

When Yu Qianjue said this, he felt guilty.

However, after this experience, he will definitely not be so careless next time.

"Okay, Xiao Ge'er, you should dry your body first, it's cold in the night, it's not good to keep wearing wet clothes."

Yu Qianjue turned around and left quickly.

Ye Qingge stood where he was, with a helpless look on his face, but he didn't care about it all the time.

She picked up a clean towel, dried herself carefully, and then changed back into her clothes.

During this process, if Ye Qingge paid a little more attention, after the water stains on his back dried up, he would take a photo in the bronze mirror.

Maybe she can find out.

At the position of the butterfly bone, after the water has completely dried up, that coquettish and beautiful plum blossom will slowly reappear.

This plum blossom birthmark disappears when exposed to water, and reappears after the water dries, which is really weird.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a birthmark, but like some kind of "seal".

Of course, no one knows this secret for the time being.


The next day.

The weather was cloudy and the weather was very bad. It seemed that there would be heavy rain at any time.

During breakfast, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue didn't speak, because of what happened last night, Ye Qingge didn't like to see Yu Qianjue very much.

Yu Qianjue also knew that he was very wrong, so he obediently kept silent.

But after eating, he still couldn't help but talk to Ye Qingge,
"Xiao Ge'er, let's not do this, okay?"

"Then what do you want? Huh?"

Ye Qingge asked back.

Yu Qianjue was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Just at this time, Mr. Ye strode to the small courtyard.

Although the weather is bad today, the old man's mood is exceptionally bright!

"Qingge! Grandpa has great news to tell you, hahaha——"

As soon as Mr. Ye came, he laughed three times, and the whole yard was instantly lively.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingge smiled, focused on Mr. Ye, and asked,

"Grandpa, what kind of good news actually makes you smile so happily?"

"It's about your dad!"

Mr. Ye raised his voice, he was so excited.

After Ye Qingge heard the word "father", she was also overjoyed immediately, and quickly asked, "Any news about him?"

"Yes! Last time, people from the Bai family said that your father may be in the Fengyun Sect. Grandpa asked about it. There is a mysterious 'Elder Qian' in the Fengyun Sect, and it is very likely that it is him!"

"That's great, I'm going to Fengyun Academy soon, so I can go find him!"

Ye Qingge was extremely excited, if his father was really in Fengyun Sect, then through his father, he would be able to find clues about his mother.

It won't be long before the family of three can be reunited, which is great!

"Hey, grandpa already knew that you were going to Fengyun College, and the application letter has been prepared for you.

In two months, Fengyun Academy will come to Qingyun Country to select new students. Grandpa believes that you will definitely pass!

By the way, there is also your third brother Ye Yiheng, who will come back this time too! "

(End of this chapter)

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