Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Hearing Yu Qianjue's voice, Ye Qingge calmed down a lot, she quickly said, "Come in."

Yu Qianjue pushed the door open and entered. He had just taken a cold shower, exuding a cold and abstinent noble aura, like an exiled immortal walking out of a painting.

Ye Qingge looked at it and couldn't help becoming a little obsessed.

Yu Qianjue changed into a set of white brocade robes, the style was simple without any patterns, but the material was extremely expensive and expensive at first glance.

Different from Gong Wuchen's clean whiteness, Yu Qianjue's whiteness is more domineering.

Once this man is serious, even his clothes have a sense of "king of the world".

It took a long time for Ye Qingge to recover.

She quickly restrained herself from being a nympho, and said seriously, "Sit down first."


Yu Qianjue chose a chair and sat opposite Ye Qingge.

He didn't dare to get too close to Ye Qingge, for fear that if he was not careful, he would catch fire again and lose his sense of proportion.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ye Qingge asked.

"When we return to Dragon Empire this time, we will be separated for a while. During my absence, you must cultivate hard and not be lazy."

"I have never been lazy except for sleeping in occasionally." Ye Qingge looked serious.

Yu Qianjue smiled and said, "Well, and... think of me more."

Speaking of this, Yu Qianjue became more and more reluctant.

Ye Qingge is also reluctant to give up, but if the relationship between the two lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night.

She lowered her head and whispered, "You too, come back early."

"I will."

Yu Qianjue responded slowly, as if promising.

The air became more and more quiet, and neither of them spoke anymore. Silence speaks louder than sound at this moment.

In the next two days, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue were together almost all the time.

Yu Qianjue took Ye Qingge to eat all kinds of delicacies, go to the theater, go shopping, climb mountains, swim in the lake...everything he could think of that was fun, he took Ye Qingge to experience it.

Ye Qingge is not really interested in those things, but as long as she is accompanied by Yu Qianjue, she feels very happy.

The two created a lot of memories, and the process has been sweet.

But such a beautiful day soon passed away.

On the night before Yu Qianjue was about to leave, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue sat on the roof watching the stars.

The moonlight tonight is beautiful, the moon is bright and round, and the sky is full of dazzling stars.

But it was such a night, but it was the night before parting.

Ye Qingge leaned against Yu Qianjue's arms, wanting to slow down time a bit, and even slower, it would be best if dawn never came.

"Qianjue, what should I do? I don't want to be separated from you anymore..."

Ye Qingge rarely experienced parting. In her previous life, except for her mother leaving and her brother going abroad to study, she basically never felt the pain of separation.

Now, the person she loves the most is about to leave, and the return date is uncertain, she is really sad.

"Hey, wait for me, we won't be apart for too long."

Yu Qian patted Ye Qingge's head, full of pampering.

Ye Qingge was still sad, "I have two months left, and I will be 14 years old. Can you come back before my birthday?"

Yu Qianjue snapped back to his senses, by the way, Xiao Ge'er's birthday is coming soon!

In the past few days, he was only focused on leaving good memories for Ye Qingge, completely forgetting about his birthday.

In two months, he must not be able to make it in time. After returning to Longteng Empire, he does not know how many troubles he has to deal with.

It is very likely that he will not come back within a year and a half.

"Xiao Ge'er, what do you like? I'll give it to you."

Yu Qianjue showed regret that he couldn't come back to celebrate her birthday with her, so he had to give her a gift in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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