Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 379 She Found a Birthmark!

Chapter 379 She Found a Birthmark!

Ye Qingge has no shortage of gifts. Now that the situation of the Ye family has improved, and Mr. Ye is well-run, Ye Qingge has long been able to buy whatever he wants.

It can be said that in the entire Qingyun Kingdom, apart from the royal family, no family can compete with the Ye family.

"I just want you to be by my side, not a gift."

Ye Qingge responded softly, the sourness in her heart could not be dispelled for a long time.

Yu Qianjue hugged Ye Qingge tightly, and remained silent, with a flash of firmness in his dark eyes.

He swears that he will definitely become stronger with the fastest strength, so strong that no one can stop their relationship anymore!

That night, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue watched the stars all night.

The low sound of crickets, the faint scent of grass and trees, and the slightly cold summer wind became the frozen memories of the two of them.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Qingge felt drowsy, and unconsciously fell asleep in Yu Qianjue's arms.

Seeing this, Yu Qianjue had no choice but to carry Ye Qingge back to the house.
He carefully took off Ye Qingge's shoes and socks, then covered the quilt, kissed Ye Qingge's forehead, embraced each other, and fell asleep.


The moon was setting.

The sun rises.

Ye Qingge slept soundly and slept until dawn.

When she woke up, she habitually touched the pillow, but found that there was no one there.

At this time, she suddenly woke up!

Today is the day Qian Jue leaves!
"Qian Jue!!!"

Ye Qingge shouted, hurriedly got out of bed, and found a new set of clothes beside the bed, and a letter was placed on the clothes.

Ye Qingge took it apart and saw that it was Yu Qianjue's handwriting.

"Little Ge'er, I'm leaving. I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up. If you woke up, I'm afraid I would be even more reluctant to leave.

This set of clothes was made in advance according to your size, so let's treat it as my birthday present to you.

There are many things I want to say, but at this moment, I suddenly don't know what to say.

Good luck. "

Ye Qingge put down the letter, feeling heavy and helpless.

With Yu Qianjue gone, her world seemed to lack a lot of things.

But after being sad for a while, she slowly thought about it again. It was just a separation, not a parting of life or death.

As a mature person, it is not a good thing to be immersed in this kind of sadness all the time.

Looking up, Ye Qingge forcefully forced a smile, and then looked at the new clothes next to her.

This is a set of aqua blue gauze dress. The outer collar is gradient pink, and the cuffs are simple in design, embroidered with exquisite cloud patterns. The overall look has a fairy air, which makes people like it at first glance.

After touching the feel, Ye Qingge decided to try it on.

She picked up the clothes, came to a bronze mirror, and changed clothes in front of the mirror.

When changing the first underwear, Ye Qingge suddenly remembered that one night, Yu Qianjue said that she had a birthmark on her back and peeked at her taking a shower.

For this reason, the two almost quarreled.

She laughed subconsciously, how could she have a birthmark?

Maybe it was bored, maybe it was unconscious, anyway, Ye Qingge turned around by mistake and looked at his back.

At this moment, she was dumbfounded!
what did she see?
There is really a plum blossom birthmark on the butterfly bone on my back! ! !
The plum blossom was about the size of a baby's fist, with nine petals in total, one of which was red, and the rest were all black, coquettish and charming.

How can it be?

How could she have such a birthmark?

Never before!

This is not the point!

The point is, she actually has a plum blossom birthmark! ! !

Huangfu Qianqian's birthmark is fake, does this mean that she is Yu Qianjue's fiancee?

 A new chapter is specially added. The heroine finally knows the birthmark. Are you surprised?Accident or not?
  Also, the hero won't be away for too long, it's Monday, girls who have recommended tickets, please come here, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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