Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 387 Bai Lian'er Appears

Chapter 387 Bai Lian'er Appears

Time flies like an arrow.

Two months passed in a flash.

Ye Qingge has been busy practicing in seclusion, and her strength has improved a lot. She has changed from a second-level spirit man to a third-level spirit man.

Both Ye Han and Nangong Ling also improved.

The three of them almost went out together, and began to analyze for the next college selection.

"Tomorrow is the selection contest, how time flies!" Nangong Ling sighed softly.

Ye Qingge smiled slightly, and she also felt that time passed quickly, two months in a flash.

And it was exactly two months since Qian Jue left. I wonder when he will come back?
Ye Qingge thought about it, and thought of Yu Qianjue.

At this moment, a guard came to the gate of the courtyard, and said loudly,

"Miss Six, the third young master is coming back today, and the Patriarch asked you to greet him at the door."

"No, we're busy."

Nangong Ling answered directly on behalf of Ye Qingge, what about the third and fourth young masters, where is it important to discuss the admissions exam.

The guard was very embarrassed, and continued,
"The people who came to Ye's house this time, besides the third young master, are also the tutors of Fengyun College, as well as some outstanding students.

They are the guests brought by the third young master, and they will stay in Ye's house recently. The owner said that Miss Six is ​​the future owner, so it is best to go out and greet them to show sincerity. "

"Fengyun Academy is also here? Haha, this is interesting! Sister Qingge, let's go!"

Nangong Ling turned his face faster than turning a book. He couldn't say it just now, so he said it now.

Ye Qingge smiled helplessly, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not anyway.

Since grandpa asked, then she should go and have a look, and by the way, see what masters there are in the rumored Fengyun Academy.

On the way to the main gate, not only Nangong Ling was excited, but even Ye Han said excitedly,
"Miss Six, Fengyun College is the most famous institution in the Eastern Continent, with deep qualifications and inextricably linked with Fengyun Sect.

They are temporarily staying in the Ye family this time, and the status of the Ye family in the imperial city will definitely be raised to a higher level in the future! "

"What's there to be happy about? The big tree attracts the wind, understand?"

Ye Qingge is very rational. For some reason, she is full of doubts about Fengyun College's temporary residence in Ye's family.

It stands to reason that Fengyun Academy should live in the palace.

Even if Ye Yiheng is their outstanding student, he shouldn't come to Ye's house.

What's more, if the guess is correct, Bai Lian'er will also appear this time.

The Ye family destroyed the Bai family, and with Bai Lian'er's hatred for the Ye family, would she be willing to live in the Ye family?

The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the more something went wrong, and soon, she came to the main gate of Ye's house.

This scene was more lively than she had imagined.

There are twelve people in the group of Fengyun College, including two tutors and ten students.

The instructor wears a blue uniform with an auspicious cloud embroidered on his chest, while the student wears a white uniform with an auspicious cloud embroidered on his chest.

This group of people is extraordinary and outstanding, and directly became the focus of the audience.

People who watched the excitement all around filled the entire street, wanting to have a look at the style of Fengyun Academy.

"It's amazing, they are all masters, I have never seen so many young talents in my life!"

"The Ye family is indeed the No. [-] family in Qingyun, and they can actually let Fengyun Academy stay overnight. This is more face-saving than the royal family!"

"Yes, Fengyun Academy is not an ordinary force. I heard that some time ago, Fengyun Academy was rejected by the General's Mansion and the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

"Haha, this is really a great honor!"

Everyone kept praising, from Kua Ye's family to the beauties of Fengyun College.

"Hey, look—the girl in the middle in the white dress is so beautiful!"

"Not only beautiful, but also familiar..."

"Oh my god! Isn't that Bai Lian'er, the first genius in Qingyun Kingdom?!"

(End of this chapter)

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