Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 388 Visit from Fengyun Academy

Chapter 388 Visit from Fengyun Academy
"That's right! It's her!"

When everyone saw Bai Lian'er, their emotions became higher and higher.

Back then, when Bai Lianer was still in Qingyun Kingdom, she was more popular than Huangfu Jingshu, and she was always the focus of attention wherever she went.

Today, she reappeared in the field of vision, still at the gate of the Ye family, this is big news!
You know, not long ago, the Bai family was wiped out by the Ye family, leaving Bai Lian'er alone.

Bai Lian'er has a blood feud against the Ye family, if she appears here today, there will definitely be a big show going on!
Everyone was gearing up and waiting to see, all of them stared wide-eyed, for fear of missing the good show.

Under such focused attention, Bai Lian'er was very calm. She had been standing quietly in the center of the crowd, with delicate makeup.

Wearing a white dress, like a blooming pure lotus, beautiful and moving.

At this moment, Ye Qingge had to admire that Bai Lian'er, like Huangfu Jingshu, had a strong mind and a very high rank.

Such an enemy is very difficult.

However, Bai Lian'er was calm, and the young man next to Bai Lian'er was not so calm.

This man was in his early twenties. He was tall and dressed luxuriously, but he had a feminine temperament. He was not a good person in appearance.

Ever since Ye Qingge appeared, he has been staring at Ye Qingge, his eyes are full of hatred, as if he has the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows. She remembered that she had never provoked this character. Why did the other party hate her so much?

"You are that Ye Qingge?"

The man spoke directly, with a very unfriendly tone.

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows and replied, "Yes."

"You killed Lian'er's family?"

This is the man's second sentence.

Ye Qingge understood in seconds. It turned out that she was helping Bai Lian'er to stand out. This Bai Lian'er was powerful enough to pretend to be an innocent white lotus and let a man stand up for her without doing anything by herself. She really came prepared!

"The Bai family has bullied my Ye family for many years. They asked for it themselves. If you refuse to accept it, you can challenge it on the spot!"

Ye Qingge uttered harsh words, she didn't care who this person was, on her Ye family's territory, she couldn't find fault!
The melon-eating people around heard Ye Qingge's words, and each stretched their necks to watch the show.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingge and Bai Lian'er did not fight, but instead fought with the master from Fengyun Academy.

Although Ye Qingge is powerful, Fengyun Academy's masters are not cheap.

What she said was too arrogant.

At this moment, Ye Yiheng was also very surprised.

When he left, Ye Qingge was still a timid and timid waste. He never expected that in just two years, not only his strength had improved, but he would even dare to say such words as heads-up.

No wonder she was able to destroy the Bai family and the second room.

It seems that it is time to look at this cousin with another eye.

"One-on-one, one-on-one! If I don't teach you a lesson today, you little brat, you won't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

Ma Yi is here to provoke. He has been chasing Bai Lian'er for a long time, and he has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to perform in front of Bai Lian'er.

He only needs to kill Ye Qingge today and avenge Bai Lian'er, maybe Bai Lian'er will agree to his pursuit when she is happy.


A wave of spiritual power emanated from Ma Yi's body, revealing the strength of a sixth-order spirit man without a doubt!
Ye Qingge is only a third-level spirit man, although he is no match for Ma Yi, but his expression does not show any stage fright!


She also burst out with a burst of spiritual power, and confronted Ma Yi.

But soon, these two strands of spiritual power were dissolved...

What Ye Qingge didn't expect was that the person who dissipated these spiritual powers was none other than Bai Lian'er!

(End of this chapter)

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