Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 416 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 4

Chapter 416 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 4
"Sister Qingge, be careful!" Nangong Ling reminded loudly, she wanted to save her, but the distance was too far, she couldn't catch up!
Ye Qingge tilted his head slightly, seeing Han Qing who suddenly attacked, he was not prepared in his heart.

This sneak attack came too fast, and she was not as strong as the opponent, so she could only admit defeat.


Ye Qingge hit Han Qing's palm and flew tens of meters on the spot. He lay on the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his combat effectiveness plummeted.

"Sister Qingge, are you okay?"

Nangongling rushed to Ye Qingge's side in a hurry, covered Ye Qingge with her body, and cursed at Han Qing and others,

"You guys are so cheap! Bully the weak with the strong! Bully the few with the many!

There is a shady scene in the exam, a shady scene in the admission, and now there is a sneak attack in the fight, the despicable and shameless to the extreme! ! ! "

Nangong Ling cursed angrily.

Ye Qingge quickly took a pill, then stood up reluctantly, and glared at Han Qing with hatred.

She dared to come here today, and she was ready to face everything. Fengyun Academy was unfair, and she didn't care if she didn't go to that kind of crappy place.

But before that, she must seek justice for herself!
"Ye Qingge, I don't care who you are, but if you dare to hurt the students of my Fengyun College, I, Han Qing, will never let you go lightly! Accept it!"

Han Qing made up his mind that he would take this opportunity to abolish Ye Qingge directly so that she would never be able to practice again.

It would be even better if he could kill her directly!
Ye Qingge bit her lip, trying to resist, but she was very powerless. Han Qing had practiced for many years, and she was no match for him.

Even Nangong Ling was blown away by Han Qing's aura, unable to protect Ye Qingge comprehensively.

Seeing that Han Qing was getting closer and closer to Ye Qingge, he almost killed Ye Qingge.


"Boom -" a sound!

A wave of powerful spiritual power swept across the sky and covered the ground, directly sweeping the audience.

Han Qing's strength, in front of this spiritual power, directly fell apart, disintegrated to the point that there was not even a scum left!
So strong!

This was Han Qing's first feeling!

Where did it come from?
"Women who dare to touch this king, court death!"

Yu Qianjue shouted angrily, and appeared beside Ye Qingge at a lightning speed, and then made a move of three thousand fires!

Countless balls of flames all attacked Han Qing.

Han Qing quickly defended with an enchantment, but he couldn't resist at all. The skin was burned off piece by piece, and soon his face was completely changed.


Han Qing screamed loudly and started rolling on the ground, trying to put out the fire, but the fire burned even harder.

In less than a minute, there was only one charred corpse left on the ground.

Han Qing is dead!
"Qianjue...is that really you?"

Ye Qingge looked at the black-clothed back with hesitation, but soon affirmed it directly!

This familiar, warm, and powerful figure gave her a complete sense of security. Besides her Jue, who else could it be?
"Xiao Geer, I'm late, sorry."

Yu Qianjue turned around, looked at Ye Qingge as well, and then hugged Ye Qingge into his arms, with an expression of pampering, not pampering.

This is the person he has been thinking about day and night, and he finally hugs him again. From then on, he will never let go!

"His Royal Highness, it is really His Royal Highness! He is back!"

"That's right! It's him!"

"So handsome, he is indeed the most beautiful man in the Dragon Empire!"

"Not only is he handsome, but he is also very strong. He can actually defeat the mentor of Fengyun Academy!"


As soon as Yu Qianjue appeared on the stage, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Han Qing's death became insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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