Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 417 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 5

Chapter 417 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 5
When Ye Qingge heard so many people praising Yu Qianjue, the corners of Ye Qingge's lips curled up into a smile. This evildoer is attracting bees and butterflies again.

However, she doesn't mind.

Anyway, no matter what, this man will always be hers!

"Qianjue, the person you killed just now is the instructor of Fengyun College, and it seems that he has gotten into big trouble this time."

Ye Qingge is not afraid of things, but she doesn't want to drag Yu Qianjue down.

Yu Qianjue didn't care about Han Qing's identity at all, he said domineeringly directly, "If he dares to touch you, even if he is the dean of Fengyun College, I will kill you!"



His Royal Highness, the invincible King Jue, has such capital!
Bai Lian'er was leaning on a pillar in a state of embarrassment, and when she heard Yu Qianjue's words, the admiration in her heart soared!

This is the man she wants!

Domineering and confident, power over the world, perfect!

But why does such a good man like that bitch Ye Qingge?
Bai Lian'er was not convinced, but on the surface, considering Fengyun Academy's face, she had to say, "His Royal Highness, you have to give Fengyun Academy an explanation for killing Mentor Han Qing."

"He dared to bully my woman, you Fengyun College, you must give me an explanation!"

Yu Qianjue didn't bother to pay attention to Bai Lian'er, all his eyes were on Ye Qingge, and he didn't want to leave for a moment.

Ye Qingge was shy and happy to be seen by Yu Qianjue. She really wanted to take this opportunity to tell Yu Qianjue that she was his fiancee.

But now that there are too many people, and the matter is relatively private, it is better to talk about it after returning home.

"Qianjue, why did you come back suddenly?" Ye Qingge forgot about those depressing things, only Yu Qianjue was in his eyes and mind.

Yu Qianjue nodded Ye Qingge's eyebrows, and said dotingly, "Of course it's because I miss you."

"I miss you too." Ye Qingge smiled even more happily, her heart was sweeter than eating honey.

In the past two months, she seemed to be cultivating hard, but she was thinking about Yu Qianjue all the time, imagining when he would come back.

Today he suddenly appeared, and like a hero, he rescued her from the predicament.

It can be said that he is her belief, her god.

"Welcome back!"

Ye Qingge smiled like a flower, then stood on tiptoe, and planted a light kiss on Yu Qianjue's cheek.

Nangong Ling, a single dog, received [-] critical hits after watching this gesture of throwing out dog food if he didn't agree with each other!

It seemed that in an instant, the world turned pink, and it seemed that there was only this pair of beauties left in the whole world, and they only had each other in their eyes.

Love is indeed a mysterious thing!

However, such a good atmosphere did not last long.

Because soon, Ma Yi, who had escaped just now, brought Ouyang Fan, the general manager, to the scene.

Ma Yi pointed to Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue and said, "Elder Ouyang, they are the ones who killed Mentor Han Qing and injured Lian Er. They are really deceiving people. You must seek justice for Fengyun College!"

Ouyang Fan looked at Yu Qianjue and recognized Yu Qianjue's identity at a glance.

When he visited Longteng Empire with the dean before, he had seen this prince once, and he was very impressed. He didn't expect to see him for a few years, and this prince became more and more powerful!

If Han Qing was really killed by King Jue, it can only be said that he was unlucky and offended someone who shouldn't be offended. Fengyun Academy will not offend the future Emperor Longteng just because of a mentor.

"Your Highness, you are still the same."

Ouyang Fan smiled faintly, and spoke like a friend reminiscing about the past.

Yu Qianjue didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of pleasantries, he asked directly, "I heard that your Fengyun Academy deliberately bullied my future princess, is there such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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