Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 418 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 6

Chapter 418 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 6
"This..." Ouyang Fan looked embarrassed.

In the past few days, he has obtained a new prescription and is obsessed with alchemy every day, regardless of the selection of new students.

He just found out that Ye Qingge failed the ranking. Now that this kind of problem has happened, he must bear certain responsibility.

However, Han Qing died, Bai Lian'er was seriously injured, and Fengyun Academy also paid a heavy price.

If the investigation continues, it will be of no benefit to either party.

"His Royal Highness, regarding the examination of the shady, this elder admits that Fengyun Academy has many shortcomings.

But now that Han Qing is dead, it's better to make the big and small things smaller. The elders will arrange for Ye Qingge to re-enter the second round. What do you think? "

Ouyang Fan is very sincere, but Yu Qianjue is not satisfied.

"Han Qing is just a scapegoat. What the king is looking for is the mastermind behind the scenes. If Fengyun Academy doesn't give an explanation, don't blame the king for being ruthless!"

Yu Qianjue uttered harsh words and pursued the matter to the end.

When Bai Lian'er heard these words, her heart began to feel guilty, because she was the mastermind behind the scenes, and she was the one who manipulated everything.

It doesn't matter if she is punished, if her image in Yu Qianjue's heart is destroyed, it will be even more difficult to seduce Yu Qianjue in the future.

After thinking about it, Bai Lian'er looked at Yu Qianjue pitifully, pretended to be very weak, and said in a low voice,

"Your Highness, Lian Er has something to say."

Yu Qianjue didn't respond, but gave Bai Lian'er a look, telling her to continue.

Bai Lian'er took a deep breath, then pointed directly at Ma Yi, and said righteously, "Actually, all of this is caused by Brother Ma!"

"Oh?" Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows and looked at Ma Yi.

Ma Yi had a dazed look on his face, full of disbelief, which he hadn't expected at all.Bai Lian'er will suddenly betray him!

Yes, he was indeed involved, but Bai Lian'er was the mastermind!

Is she abandoning the pawn to protect the handsome, and let him take the blame?
Ma Yi's heart was throbbing, and he felt that he was a fool who had been used by Bai Lian'er from the beginning to the end.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more poisonous she is!
Ma Yi really wanted to tell the truth, so he slapped Bai Lian'er in the face on the spot and dragged her into the water together.

But at this moment, Bai Lian'er said again, "Senior Brother Ma Yi, I know you like me, and for me, you did a lot of bad things, including bullying Ye Qingge.

I am very touched, you are the best person in this world to me, if possible, I hope you change your mind from now on, in this way, you will still be my good brother. "


Ma Yi was silent. Seeing Bai Lian'er's pitiful appearance, his heart softened again. Every time Bai Lian'er used this trick on him, he would willingly surrender.

This time, too.

"That's right, I was the one who played tricks in the dark, framed Ye Qingge for cheating, and then revised her test scores, all of which were done by me alone, and had nothing to do with anyone else!

Elder Ouyang, you punish me, I accept the punishment! "

Ma Yi resisted all the guilt, looking as if he was going to die.

Ouyang Fan didn't expect that Ma Yi would be so bold, causing so many troubles, and indirectly killing Han Qing.

Such a student, according to the rules of the college, must be expelled!
However, Ma Yi is not an ordinary student. His background is not simple, and he has inextricably linked with the royal family of Fengwu Empire.

If Ma Yi is fired, the Fengwu Empire will definitely be dissatisfied.

If he is not expelled, His Royal Highness will be dissatisfied again.

Ouyang Fan was in a dilemma, he didn't know how to make a choice, why was he so unlucky this time, and got the task of the general manager!
"Elder Ouyang, I actually have a suggestion..."

(End of this chapter)

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