Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 435 Huangfu Jingshu, insane

Chapter 435 Huangfu Jingshu, insane

"Brother Prince, don't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for not cooperating. You insist on forcing me to use this method."

Huangfu Jingshu spoke suddenly, her tone was gloomy and terrifying.

Huangfu Cheng didn't know why, and then he only felt his body go limp, and his whole body lost strength.

"You... what did you do to me?" Huangfu Cheng looked terrified.

"It's nothing, it's just something that makes you unable to leave for the time being, come here, and bring me another bowl of medicine!" Huangfu Jingshu ordered coldly.

The guard was a little scared, and whispered, "Princess, this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Can't you understand what this princess is saying?!" Huangfu Jingshu raised her voice.


The guard was afraid, so he obediently obeyed immediately.

They are Huangfu Jingshu's exclusive bodyguards, and they only obey Huangfu Jingshu's orders, so even if they know Huangfu Cheng's identity, they will continue to carry it out.

Soon, another bowl of love potion was served.

Like Nangong Ling, Huangfu Cheng was also forcibly given a love potion!
Moreover, Huangfu Cheng drank all of it, basically did not spill it, and the attack time was faster than Nangong Ling.

"Damn it! Jing Shu! I'm your imperial brother! How could you treat me like this?"

Huangfu Cheng never expected that after living for so many years, he was not defeated by Huangfu Jing, but framed by his own sister instead!
"Brother Prince, I know that you are my imperial brother, and it is because of this that I need your help. In order to tie you to my boat, I can only use this method.

You violated Nangong Ling, Ye Qingge must hate you to death, if you want to survive then, you can only continue to cooperate with us, won't you? "

Huangfu Jingshu's voice was devoid of any emotion.

In her world, there are only calculations and being calculated. As for family affection, it is just another transaction.


Huangfucheng roared angrily, wanting to escape quickly, but felt that his body was getting bigger and bigger, and his consciousness was getting more and more blurred.

Huangfu Jingshu gave the guard a look, and the guard immediately pushed Huangfu to Nangongling's side, and untied Nangongling's iron chain.

The two people who have taken the love potion and lost their self-awareness will know what they will do next without even thinking about it.

Bai Lian'er has always followed the high-cold route, she was too embarrassed to look at the next scene, and she didn't want to, so she said to Huangfu Jingshu,
"I'm a little tired today, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Well, don't forget our plan."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Ye Qingge will never have a good life!"

Bai Lian'er's voice was ruthless, her eyes were full of murderous intent.

After speaking, she turned and left the secret room.

Huangfu Jingshu looked at the ground. At this time, Nangong Ling's consciousness was relatively clear, but Huangfu Cheng had completely lost control.

He grabbed Nangong Ling's collar and was about to tear it open, but Nangong Ling resisted desperately, and he failed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han felt anxious and depressed!

Although Nangong Ling often bullies him, has a poisonous mouth, and is all kinds of arrogant, but in essence she is still good.

Now seeing Nangong Ling being bullied, he can't do anything, he just feels that he is useless to the extreme!
"Let go of her... let go of her..."

There was already a hint of crying in Ye Han's voice.

Huangfu Jingshu smiled triumphantly, and said in a wild voice, "Ye Han, you should take care of yourself!
Come on, keep chopping!Until his legs were cut off! "


"Bang bang——" the guard continued to exert force, and the sound of bone shattering sounded again.

This time, Ye Han didn't scream anymore, he suppressed all the pain and hatred in his heart.

Sooner or later, he will take revenge himself!

Let Huangfu Jingshu also feel that life is worse than death!
(End of this chapter)

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