Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 436 Catch up in time!

Chapter 436 Catch up in time!


Huangfu Jingshu became more and more crazy, the more miserable Ye Han and Nangong Ling were, the happier she was.

She revenged all the depression she received from Ye Qingge on the two of them.

Ye Han's bones were chopped into pieces, and Nangong Ling's clothes were also torn into pieces.

Seeing that the two of them were about to collapse completely.


A loud "bang" came from outside the secret room!

Immediately afterwards, the guards came to report, "Your Highness, it's bad, Ye Qingge and His Royal Highness Jue suddenly barged in, and we couldn't stop it at all!"


Huangfu Jingshu didn't expect Ye Qingge to come so fast!
And His Royal Highness is also here.



There was another loud bang, followed by screams and screams, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue made a strong appearance and beat the guards of the princess mansion to the ground.

When Ye Han saw Ye Qingge descending like a god, he felt that the whole world was bright.

Great, Nangong Ling is finally saved...

"Miss Six...you are finally here..."

"Ye Han! Linger!!!"

Seeing the current situation of Ye Han and Nangong Ling, Ye Qingge almost went crazy.

She rushed towards Huangfu Cheng recklessly, and kicked Huangfu Cheng away!

Huangfucheng was unprepared, he hit the wall and couldn't move for a while.

After that, Ye Qingge took out a robe from the storage ring, and wrapped Nangongling carefully.

Fortunately, fortunately, she caught up. Nangong Ling was fine except for her clothes being torn to pieces.

"Sister Qingge - woo woo -"

Seeing Ye Qingge appear, Nangong Ling was also ecstatic, and then wept wildly.

She thought that she would really be... fortunately... fortunately, Sister Qingge showed up in time!
"Ling'er, why is your body so hot?"

Ye Qingge hugged Nangongling and found that Nangongling's body temperature was abnormal and her face was very red.

"I..." Nangong Ling was embarrassed to say anything.

Ye Qingge had already guessed that she must have been hit by the love potion.

"Don't be afraid, I will help you suppress it first!"

Ye Qingge directly took out the silver needle, and pricked several big acupuncture points of Nangongling with a "swoosh".

Nangong Ling only felt that his head was much clearer, and his body gradually gained strength.

As for Ye Han, Yu Qianjue immediately cut off the iron chain and rescued Ye Han.

But Ye Han's legs... are very unsatisfactory...

"Miss Six..." Ye Han called softly.

"Don't talk, you need to save your energy now." Ye Qingge's voice was firm.

She took out a hemostatic pill and gave it to Ye Han, but the effect was not good.

Ye Han's legs were hanging like two pieces of rags, and he no longer had the vitality of the past. The blood all over his body was so exciting that she couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

This is her best friend, but Huangfu Jingshu made her into this, she hates it!


Ye Qingge's heart.Don't mention how angry you are, legs are the most precious thing for a practitioner!
Without legs, what is the difference between it and waste?
What should Ye Han do in the future?
And all of this was caused by Huangfu Jingshu!

Ye Qingge glared at Huangfu Jingshu, her eyes were full of hatred!
Huangfu Jingshu was a little scared. She took a step back and was about to run away, but she was stopped by Ye Qingge just after taking two steps.

"Want to escape? Do you think it's possible?" Ye Qingge sneered.

Although Huangfu Jingshu was driven to a desperate situation, she still insisted and said, "Ye Qingge, I am the princess of Qingyun Kingdom, if you kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

"Oh, what's so great about a princess? I don't care about Huangfu Qianqian, and I don't care if there is another Huangfu Jingshu!"

After Ye Qingge finished speaking, she drew out a sword and slashed Huangfu Jingshu's face twice!

Huangfu Jingshu cared most about her appearance, and she was so disfigured that she almost vomited blood.

However, things are not over yet.

Ye Qingge didn't intend to let her go just like this, there is a torture method called life is worse than death!
"Princess Jingshu, don't you like to use love potions? Then try it yourself, what is it like!
The princess is having an affair with the crown prince. When the news gets out, what do you think Emperor Qingyun will do when he finds out? "

Ye Qingge smiled coldly, and directly took out a flattering pill that she made herself, the effect was many times better than Huangfu Jingshu's medicinal soup.

(End of this chapter)

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