Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 438 Trying to Heal Ye Han's Leg

Chapter 438 Trying to Heal Ye Han's Leg
The moon is in the middle of the sky, singing in the small courtyard.

When Ye Qingge brought Ye Han back, the bleeding in Ye Han's legs had stopped, but the situation was still not optimistic.

After Mr. Ye heard that Ye Han was injured, he rushed over overnight to check on the situation.

"How is it? Is there any hope for Ye Han's legs?" Mr. Ye asked anxiously.

The doctor who was in charge of treating the injury shook his head helplessly, and whispered, "I'm afraid it won't work..."

Ye Qingge frowned. She is proficient in medical skills, so she also understands Ye Han's current situation very well. Unless there is the help of Da Luo God, there is no way to save him.

From now on, Ye Han may only be able to live in a wheelchair.

"Doctor, you are the best doctor in the Ye family. No matter what panacea is needed, I will find a way to get it. Please save Ye Han!"

Grandpa Ye watched Ye Han grow up, and he almost regarded Ye Han as his grandson.

Now that something like this happened to Ye Han, he was so anxious that he almost couldn't stand still with anger.

"Patriarch, it's not that I didn't try my best, it's really that there's nothing I can do. This leg injury is too serious, and the bones are basically broken. It's a miracle that Ye Huwei is still alive."

The doctor's voice was powerless.

It's not that he doesn't want to save, but that he can't.


Old Man Ye couldn't stand it anymore, and he roared angrily, "If you can't even do this little thing, what's the use of keeping you? Pack up the burden for the head of the family and get out! The Ye family doesn't need quack doctors like you!"

"Patriarch, this is really not my problem..."

"Come on! Drag him out!"

Mr. Ye didn't want to hear the nonsense of "quack doctors", so he was taken away directly.

After that, the atmosphere in the room became heavier.

Ye Han was lying on the bed with a pale face, his bloody legs were exposed to the air, because the bones were all shattered, so he couldn't bandage them for now, the wound had to be tidied up further.

Even... Saw off the rest of the leg!
"Ah—damn it!!! Who on earth moved the owner of the Patriarch!!!"

Mr. Ye is extremely defensive, not only prefers Ye Qingge, but also Ye Han.

Seeing Ye Han in such a miserable state, he just wanted to find the murderer to do his best!
"Grandpa, the culprit is Huangfu Jingshu, I have deposed her, ruined her reputation, and avenged Ye Han.

The most important thing now is to find a way to heal Ye Han's leg.

Qianjue, you have been living in the Dragon Empire and have seen a lot. Is there any way to save Ye Han? "

Ye Qingge asked Yu Qianjue while appeasing Mr. Ye's emotions.

Yu Qianjue frowned slightly. Ye Han's situation was not hopeless, but the key was that time was running out.

"In the treasury of Longteng Palace, there is a plaster specially used to treat bone injuries, called Shenggupao.

But Long Teng was too far away from here, and he went back and forth for at least half a month. Even if he got the raw bone paste, Ye Han's leg would miss the best time for treatment. "

"Damn it! What should I do?"

Ye Qingge's face darkened, feeling that she was useless again. If she had been stronger, had been faster at that time, and had caught up in time, would Ye Han not be like this?
Just when Ye Qingge was blaming himself, Nangong Ling, who had been suppressing the medicine, completely lost control.

She was hot all over, confused, and grabbed people randomly.

Ye Qingge almost forgot that Nangong Ling's condition was not optimistic, so she quickly applied the needle again to systematically dissipate the medicinal properties of Nangong Ling.

Yu Qianjue was on the sidelines to help, using his spiritual power to control Nangong Ling's movements.

After working for a quarter of an hour, Nangong Ling finally calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Qingge asked people to take Nangong Ling down and continue to observe Ye Han's situation. Even if there was no hope, she would find a way to save Ye Han's leg!
At this moment, suddenly——

 It will be on the shelves at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. If you like it, I hope you can continue to support it. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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