Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 439 Ye Han's Origin

Chapter 439 Ye Han's Origin

A thick black mist emerged from Ye Han's legs!

And that black mist is exactly the same as what Ye Qingge once exuded!
What's happening here?
How could Ye Han have such a thing?

When Ye Qingge couldn't figure it out, the black mist had already begun to automatically repair Ye Han's leg injury. It was like the most powerful wound medicine in the world, allowing Ye Han's leg to heal bit by bit.

First it was a shattered bone, which became a piece, and then a whole piece again.

Then, the skin on the knees turned into a normal color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood stains slowly dissipated.

After everyone came back to their senses, Ye Han's leg miraculously healed itself!
"Qianjue, am I dreaming? Just pinch me..." Ye Qingge couldn't believe that even her leg injury, which she couldn't do anything about, could be healed automatically by Ye Han!
What kind of physique does it take to accomplish this kind of thing?
What exactly is that mysterious black mist? Is it the same as the black mist that appeared on her body?

There are so many mysteries that Ye Qingge has no way to figure it out.

Yu Qianjue didn't pinch Ye Qingge, but took her hand lightly, and said softly, "Little Geer, you were not dreaming, everything just now was real."

"Then Ye Han..." Ye Qingge hesitated and did not continue.

After all, this kind of thing is too strange. If it gets out, Ye Han will definitely attract the attention of many people, and even study him as a test object.

Just like in modern society, if anyone has a little abnormal ability, he will be pulled to the science laboratory immediately, and various blood tests will be done until the answer is found out.

Yu Qianjue lives in the Dragon Empire, so he has seen many big scenes.

Although he was surprised by the current situation, he was not very surprised. He just looked at Mr. Ye and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, what is Ye Han's origin?"

"This... I'm not very clear. It was Qingge's mother who brought Ye Han into Ye's house. She said that Ye Han was an orphan she met on the street. She was very pitiful, so she took him in."

Mr. Ye trusted his eldest daughter-in-law very much, so he had no doubts at all, so he left Ye Han at Ye's house.

"My mother?"

Ye Qingge didn't expect that Ye Han was brought to the Ye family by his mother.

There is black mist on Ye Han's body, and black mist on her body, and they are both related to mother, is this just a coincidence?
"Did my mother say anything strange when she took Ye Han in?" Ye Qingge continued to ask, her eyes full of curiosity.

Mr. Ye thought for a while, and then said, "It seems nothing strange, just to say, you lack a playmate, Ye Han is about the same age as you, he can be your playmate, if Ye Han has good talent, he can be your playmate in the future The guards... that's all it seems."

"Mother took in Ye Han because of me?"

The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the more suspicious he became.

But Yu Qianjue started to get jealous, the mother-in-law actually thinks this way, let Xiao Geer and Ye Han's childhood sweethearts?

Doesn't that mean that when Xiao Ge'er grows up, she is very likely to marry Ye Han?

Thinking of this possibility, a deep meaning flashed across Yu Qianjue's eyes.

"No matter what Ye Han's background is, all in all, this matter needs to be kept secret for the time being.

Xiao Ge'er, stay away from Ye Han in the future, and you can't get too close to him until we investigate the origin of the black mist. "

Yu Qianjue sounded a reminder.

For a long time, Ye Qingge regarded Ye Han as her good friend, and Ye Han, like her, had appeared in the black mist, so she didn't want to stay away from Ye Han.

Instead, she wanted to use Ye Han to investigate what that mysterious black mist was.

(End of this chapter)

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