Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 471 Zhuang Yuncheng's Funny Attributes

Chapter 471 Zhuang Yuncheng's Funny Attributes

"Don't be like this, I don't want to be the boss, change to someone else"

Ye Qingge also saw it. Class C was very skilled when he came to make trouble just now, and he often did it when he saw it.

In the days to come, there must be many such things. As the boss, wouldn't she have to stand out every time?
As a person who likes simplicity and only wants to learn how to make medicine, Ye Qingge really doesn't like being the boss, it's too tiring.

"Boss, anyway, we have identified you, no matter what you say, from now on, you will be our boss!"

Zhuang Yuncheng has a very thick skin, no matter what Ye Qingge says, he will agree anyway.

He knew he couldn't save Ding Ban, but Ye Qingge... maybe he could!

The school bell rings.

The instructor stepped into the classroom, and everyone returned to their seats to continue the class.

However, once the get out of class was over, Zhuang Yuncheng had the cheek to come to Ye Qingge and recognize Ye Qingge as the boss.

Finally, when school was over, Ye Qingge couldn't take it anymore, she left the alchemy department as fast as she could, and ran away, not daring to stay.

Zhuang Yuncheng was not discouraged, he clenched his fists, the small universe burned, and shouted loudly,

"The boss is unwilling to accept us, it must be that we are not doing well enough!
We must make good changes, leave a good impression on the boss, and follow the boss to the peak of Fengyun Academy! "

"Brother Zhuang, let's forget about that... the peak, we can get a diploma together..."

"No prospect! That's why the boss doesn't want you guys!
Remember, our journey is the sea of ​​stars, never give up! "


Fortunately, Ye Qingge has gone far away at this moment, otherwise, if she hears this sentence, she must let Elder Kun and Zhuang Yuncheng have a good talk about life and ideals.

Talk about how the sea of ​​stars came about.

707 bedrooms.

After Ye Qingge came back, she immediately lay on the bed. She was too tired today, and she needed to rest first.

Unfortunately, just as she was about to fall asleep, her roommate Die Wu came back.

The sound of the door opening was a bit loud, and Ye Qingge was woken up, so she had to get up and sit on the bed.

She looked at the girl not far away, no matter when, Die Wu was wearing a butterfly red dress, coquettish and charming, like a seductive fairy.

"Did I disturb your sleep?" Die Wu felt apologetic.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy anyway." Ye Qingge responded with a smile.

The dormitory is a room for four people, and people need to be tolerant when getting along with each other, so she doesn't care about it.

What's more, Nangong Ling, the loudest and noisy one, has not come back yet, and now these are all a piece of cake.

"By the way, today's first day, how do you feel?"

Die Wu was afraid that the atmosphere would be embarrassing, so she picked up a topic at random.

Ye Qingge roughly talked about the interesting things he encountered. Being chased by a group of boys and called the boss is actually not that bad.

Die Wu laughed from ear to ear, "It's amazing, I can be the boss on the first day, haha——"

"Hey, okay, how about you? How's the situation?"

"Well, it's even more complicated for me, because I'm so beautiful, a group of men surround me, and a group of sluts surround me and scold me, don't mention this feeling."


"However, I gained a lot today. I saw a handsome guy in purple! Really handsome!
In my Die Wu's life, I have seen countless people. I have seen all kinds of men, but this is the first time I have seen a beautiful man who is ascetic and cold like the handsome guy in purple!
Tsk tsk, in the entire Fengyun Academy, probably only your family can share the same status with this handsome guy in purple. "

Die Wu said as she recalled the scene when she met the handsome guy just now, and she became a fan girl in seconds!

(End of this chapter)

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