Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Seeing this, Ye Qingge couldn't help becoming curious, she asked with a smile, "Is he really so handsome?"


"Then what's his name?"

"Uh--I don't know about this, the handsome guy is too cold, I can only watch from a distance and dare not strike up a conversation.

However, I heard someone call him 'Chen Shao', which sounds really nice! "

The more Die Wu talked, the more she became infatuated with it, almost drooling.

Comparing such a nympho painting style with her alluring image, Wanquan is two extremes.

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows and muttered to himself, "Young Master Chen? Is your surname Chen?"

"I don't know, next time I have a chance, I must know his name! The handsome man in purple, just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"Okay, come on..."

Ye Qingge couldn't stand this kind of nympho, she got out of bed directly, took out the homework assigned by Teacher Wei, and began to write seriously.

She didn't want to waste a single moment of her college life.


The next day.

Ye Qingge came to the classroom early to read, preview, and review.

Teacher Wei was very satisfied with her homework and taught her a lot of things. Ye Qingge learned it very quickly and memorized everything.

As for Zhuang Yuncheng and others, they still persevere and want to recognize Ye Qingge as the boss.

Ye Qingge continued to hide.

After chasing and dodging, four days passed quickly.

When school was over at noon on the fifth day, Ye Qingge thought she had already thrown off Zhuang Yuncheng and the others, so she went to Yu Qianjue openly.

Who would have thought that when they arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, as soon as they saw Yu Qianjue, there would be a burst of shouting from behind.


The sound was so loud that all the people 300 meters away looked in this direction.

Ye Qingge hurriedly turned her head and asked Zhuang Yuncheng to pay attention, "Can you stop doing this?"

"Understood! The meaning of the boss is to let us keep a low profile, understand!"

Zhuang Yuncheng smiled, looking very sincere.

Ye Qingge was even more helpless.

Seeing this group of people, Yu Qianjue didn't feel disgusted, he nodded slightly as a greeting to Zhuang Yuncheng.

Zhuang Yuncheng saw that the relationship between Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue was unusual, so he directly asked with a smile, "Are you the boss's man?"

The boss man?
I don't know why, when Ye Qingge heard these five words, she felt extremely awkward!

Yu Qianjue was very useful, he hugged Ye Qingge's waist directly, and admitted lightly, "Yes."

"The boss deserves to be the boss, he has such a good eye for choosing men!"

Zhuang Yuncheng could tell at a glance that Yu Qianjue was definitely not simple, his temperament and unfathomable strength, without thinking about it, must have come from extraordinary backgrounds!
Ye Qingge didn't want to talk about these useless things. She studied all morning today and is very hungry now.

Holding Yu Qianjue's hand, Ye Qingge said, "Let's eat first."

"What do you want to eat, Boss? We invite you!"

Zhuang Yuncheng stepped forward again, displaying his cheekiness to the extreme.

Ye Qingge shook his head, and wanted to refuse directly, but Yu Qianjue said, "Since you are Xiao Ge'er's people, I will treat you to dinner today, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue led the way.

"Hey, Qianjue..." Ye Qingge objected softly.

Yu Qianjue only gave her a calm smile, indicating that she was fine.

When Zhuang Yuncheng and the others heard the words, they all showed joyful expressions. It turns out that the boss man is not only powerful, but also generous, not bad!

Yu Qianjue took Zhuang Yuncheng and others to the fifth floor of the cafeteria. There are status restrictions on the fifth and sixth floors of the cafeteria, and ordinary people cannot enter at all.

But Yu Qianjue has privileges and great power, even if he brings a group of people in for dinner, he will not be blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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