Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 481 Ye Qingge wins!

Chapter 481 Ye Qingge wins!

As soon as Ouyang Fan finished speaking, the scene was eerily quiet.

The young man in white even stared wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that he had lost to a newcomer, a newcomer from Class Ding!
Tan Tianhao was completely stunned, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he was stunned for a while before asking in a low voice, "Elder Ouyang, did you make a mistake?"

"Are you questioning this elder's identification ability?"

Ouyang Fan's voice was deep and calm, and he was not angry and arrogant, making people afraid to refute.

The young man in white was not convinced, so he continued to question, "Elder Ouyang, there is absolutely no way I will lose to the people in Ding Ban, can you check again?"

"It's the same result after ten times of inspection. If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

Ouyang Fan was very impatient with the young man in white. He raised his hand, took Ye Qingge's elixir, and signaled the young man in white to come and have a look.

The young man in white didn't believe in evil anymore, so he really walked over, wanting to see what was going on.

However, as soon as he smelled the elixir, he knew that he had lost.

This refreshing medicinal fragrance, even if he is given another ten years, he will not be able to achieve this effect.

He lost, he really lost.

The young man in white bowed his head, unwillingly returned to Class B, and never lied again.

The medicine refining PK was over, and the result was obvious, Ye Qingge won.

"Ye girl, congratulations."

Ouyang Fan smiled heartily, and returned the second-grade Longyan Pill to Ye Qingge. Ye Qingge solemnly accepted it, and thanked, "Elder Ouyang, thank you today."

"Thank you, thank you. You have the strength yourself. You have made great progress compared to the last time I saw you, haha—"

Ye Qingge was a little embarrassed by the praise, and scratched her head lightly.

Afterwards, Ouyang Fan thought of something serious again.

"By the way, with your strength, how did you go to Dingban? What's going on?" Ouyang Fan has been busy recently, so he didn't pay attention to Ye Qingge's recent situation.

When I inquired about it today, I found out that Ye Qingge was in Class Ding, and I couldn't believe it at all.

"I don't know, maybe it's because of bad luck, but Ding Ban is also pretty good, hehe."

Ye Qingge met a group of lovely people like Zhuang Yuncheng in Class D, and also had a very serious mentor. As long as he is willing to work hard, his final achievements will definitely not be less than those in Class A.

Seeing Ye Qingge's calm appearance, Ouyang Fan smiled again. This girl always took an unusual path, which made him completely unpredictable.

Forget it, since she likes being in Dingban, then it's better to be in Dingban.

However, he would definitely have to re-check the situation of the placement test. The most talented rookie actually went to the worst class. No matter who was playing tricks, he would never let that person go!

"Ye girl, if you work hard, the elder will leave first."

Ouyang Fan just came to join in the fun, now that the fun is over, of course he has to leave.

Ye Qingge smiled and nodded, which was also a farewell.

Tan Tianhao and those in Class B all looked nervous and said loudly, "Congratulations to Elder Ouyang!!!"

After Ouyang Fan left, it was time to clean up the mess just now.

Zhuang Yuncheng was very excited. After so long, Ban Ding finally gained some face, and he still slapped Class B in the face in front of so many people. Could he be unhappy?

"Tan Tianhao, where's your apology? Huh?
You insulted our boss just now, this account cannot be easily settled! "

Zhuang Yuncheng spoke loudly, directly attacking the people in Class B.

Tan Tianhao's expression was delicate, he never expected this kind of result, Class B actually lost!
What is the origin of that newcomer named "Ye Qingge"?
(End of this chapter)

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