Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 482 Zhuang Yuncheng is Tempted

Chapter 482 Zhuang Yuncheng is Tempted
"Hey, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and apologize!

Have they all lost their memory? ! "

Zhuang Yuncheng raised his voice, held his head high and held his chest high, finally fought a turnaround, Ding class won the second class, can he not be embarrassed?

Tan Tianhao was driven mad by Zhuang Yuncheng's attitude. He didn't want to apologize, but he didn't dare to go back on his word. That would only make him lose face even more.

If he was not careful, Tan Tianhao was in a dilemma. Everyone in Class B looked at him and listened to his decision.

"Hey, I haven't responded yet. It seems that some people are planning to be mangy dogs. This shameless ability can rank first in the medicine department. Boss, don't you think so?" Zhuang Yuncheng continued to sarcastically, and then looked at Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge didn't speak, but just looked at Class B with a half-smile, this expression was more powerful than words!

Sure enough, Tan Tianhao couldn't bear it anymore, he lowered his head and said unwillingly,

"You won, this position belongs to you, and... I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Tianhao turned around directly, led the group of Class B and left in embarrassment.

This hasty back, and the arrogant and domineering appearance at the beginning, are completely two extremes!

After Class B left, there was a fat man in Class D who hugged Zhuang Yuncheng directly, and said with an excited smile,

"Brother Zhuang! After all these years, we Ding Ban finally feel proud!
I'm so happy, I'm so happy I'm going to heaven! ! ! "

"Haha! I'm also happy! These are all thanks to the boss. From now on, if you hang out with the boss, you will definitely have meat!" Zhuang Yuncheng laughed loudly, and looked at Ye Qingge sincerely.

Ye Qingge responded with a smile, "You also deserve credit. If it weren't for your speed-up pill, I don't know what I would do."

"Oh, no matter who is responsible for it, it's good to win anyway! Taking advantage of today's small holiday, let's have a big meal, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Nangong Ling had a hearty smile and was as enthusiastic as a little sun.

Only then did Zhuang Yuncheng realize that there was a beautiful girl with twin ponytails beside her.

He took a closer look at Nangong Ling, and found that Nangong Ling's dress was very special, showing her calves, and the clothes were also bright golden yellow, as dazzling as marigolds.

For a moment, Zhuang Yuncheng only felt that his gloomy world had a different color.


"Boss, is she your friend?" Zhuang Yuncheng asked in a low voice, with a nervous tone.

It was only then that Ye Qingge realized that so many people had gathered in this medicine refining PK, including Liang Wei and Die Wu.

In order to let everyone get to know each other, Ye Qingge took the initiative to introduce one by one,
"Everyone, this is a friend I met in Dingban, his name is Zhuang Yuncheng.

Zhuang Yuncheng, this is my good friend, Nangong Ling, Ye Han, Die Wu, Liang Wei..."

"Wow, Sister Qingge is so kind. I met so many people when I first came to the academy. Now I don't even know how many people are in my class." Nangong Ling smiled and took a special look at Zhuang Yuncheng.

Zhuang Yuncheng's heartbeat quickened again, he was inexplicably shy, and then he turned his head away very unnaturally, he who has always been good at communicating, didn't know what to say at this moment.

As for Liang Wei, she has always been indifferent and doesn't like to join in the fun.

After Ye Qingge finished introducing each other, she found a random reason and left directly.

Die Wu hurriedly chased Liang Wei, smiled apologetically at Ye Qingge, and then left.

But even so, the scene was still lively.

Soon, the food was on the table, the table was full of drinks, and everyone was celebrating the victory just now.

When the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, a familiar voice suddenly came out from behind Ye Qingge.

"Miss Ye, is that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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