Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 491 Forced Kiss and Forgiveness

Chapter 491 Forced Kiss and Forgiveness

Ye Qingge was also very depressed, but at this time, she didn't want to argue about anything else.

"Are you satisfied now?"


He just burned a sachet, how could Yu Qianjue be satisfied.

"It's enough!!!"

Ye Qingge was really angry. She begged for so long and talked for so long. She thought that Yu Qianjue would take a step back, but she didn't expect it to be of no avail.

This man is willing to end no matter what she wants to do.

Was it a mistake to choose to be with Yu Qianjue at the beginning?
Yu Qianjue stared at Ye Qingge's eyes, and he saw entanglement and regret in her eyes.

Why should she regret it?

Is it because he fell in love with Gong Wuchen?

Yu Qianjue's heart sank suddenly.

He pulled Ye Qingge into his arms, hugged Ye Qingge's waist tightly with one hand, pressed Ye Qingge's head with the other, and then directly covered Ye Qingge's lips.

A storm-like momentum came, and Yu Qianjue's movements were extraordinarily forceful and rough, as if he wanted to crush Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge desperately refused, but was still firmly locked by Yu Qianjue, unable to move an inch.

And the more Ye Qingge resisted, the stronger Yu Qianjue's kiss became.

He had already been betrayed once, this time, he couldn't afford to gamble, he was afraid that Xiao Ge'er would be the same as that person back then, and finally abandon him.

At the end of the kiss, Yu Qianjue suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Slowly, his kiss became softer, no longer as brutal as before.

He kissed carefully, like caring for the most cherished treasure, for fear of breaking it accidentally.

Ye Qingge clearly felt that Yu Qianjue's aura had changed, from a domineering and unreasonable person to a fearful one.

What is he afraid of?
Why can't you give her a little trust?
Although he still hated Yu Qianjue's behavior just now, facing the current Yu Qianjue, the fragile and sensitive Yu Qianjue, Ye Qingge's anger miraculously disappeared.

Gradually, under Yu Qianjue's gentle offensive, Ye Qingge no longer resisted.

She hugged Yu Qianjue, put her hand on his back, and conveyed her heartfelt voice.

She is not angry anymore, she will always be with him, always with him.

Feeling Ye Qingge's response, Yu Qianjue's irritability was much less, and his mood gradually became clearer.

Gong Wuchen stood not far away, watching the scene of Yu Qianjue kissing Ye Qingge, he suddenly felt shameless as a third party.

He knew that Ye Qingge liked Yu Qianjue, but he purposely approached them, trying to break them up.

Ye Qingge once saved his life, so he should be grateful to her and bless her, why did he go beyond his control and destroy her happiness.

Indeed, as Yu Qianjue said, he did it on purpose just now, deliberately pretending to be injured, to win Ye Qingge's sympathy, and to deliberately cause conflicts between the two.

But judging from the current situation, his plan failed.

The relationship between Yu Qianjue and Ye Qingge is not so easy to destroy.

But giving up like this, he is not reconciled, why can Yu Qianjue get what he loves, but he can't?

Gong Wuchen clenched his fists.

In the end, facing the cruel reality, he chose to leave silently with a desolate back.

Yu Qianjue felt that his rival was gone, and his mood became more and more joyful. After lingering for a long time, he finally let go of Ye Qingge reluctantly.

"Xiao Ge'er, I was too impulsive just now, I'm sorry."

Yu Qianjue sincerely apologized, without the interference from Gong Wuchen, he obviously calmed down a lot.

But even so, Ye Qingge didn't intend to let this matter go lightly. The almost magical Yu Qianjue just now made her very scared. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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