Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 492 Yujue's Shadow

Chapter 492 Yu Qianjue's Shadow
In order to thoroughly understand the situation, Ye Qingge looked directly at Yu Qianjue and asked in a low voice,

"Qianjue, what else are you hiding from me? Can you really not tell me? I want to help you."

"Do not."

Yu Qianjue's refusal blurted out.

That was a thorn in his heart, even if it was Ye Qingge, he didn't want to say it.

And after saying that, what if Xiao Geer hates him because of this?
After all, when he thought of himself back then, he felt deeply disgusted.

Ye Qingge frowned, her attitude was very firm, she had to figure out these things today, otherwise similar conflicts would happen in the future, and she really couldn't talk as well as she did today.

She respects Yu Qianjue's secret, but cares more about their relationship.

So because of this incident, there will be a gap between their feelings, which will only make things more complicated.

"Qianjue, I beg you, tell me, okay? Even if it's just a little bit, at least let me know the general idea, okay?"

Seeing Ye Qingge's serious and sincere expression, Yu Qianjue couldn't bear it, and he couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

Now that he has decided to join hands with Xiao Ge'er for the rest of his life, he shouldn't hide anything.

"Xiao Ge'er, if you tell me, don't laugh at me..."

Yu Qianjue spoke in a low voice, lacking confidence.

The usually domineering and evil man showed his fragility to Ye Qingge for the first time.

Ye Qingge took Yu Qianjue's hand and held it tightly, recently evoking a quiet and warm smile.

Her star-like eyes have been quietly looking at Yu Qianjue, as if saying that she will always be his support.

Slowly, Yu Qianjue gradually opened his heart, and finally slowly talked about the past.

A long time ago, he had not been crowned king, but was just an ordinary grandson of the emperor in the Dragon Empire.

At that time, his parents were still alive, he had a harmonious and happy family, and the old Emperor Longteng loved him very much, and gave him a personal maid named Wangyou.

Wangyou is the same age as Yu Qianjue, quick-witted and lively, and likes to laugh very much.

Yu Qianjue, who rarely had contact with girls of the same age, did not regard Wangyou as a handmaid, but regarded her as a friend.

Whether it's going to school or going out to play, Yu Qianjue always has forgetfulness.

Soon, the two became good friends who talked about everything.

At that time, Yu Qianjue was still very innocent, thinking that such a relationship could last a lifetime.

But one day, his father was suddenly imprisoned for "rebellion".

Yu Qianjue never believed that his father would rebel.

He is the crown prince. After the emperor's grandfather has passed a hundred years, the throne will naturally belong to him. He has no reason to rebel.

But no matter how much he begged for mercy, the old emperor still killed the prince and princess, and Yu Qianjue became an orphan without father or mother.

Even though the old emperor loves him as always, he still hates the old emperor.

I thought this matter would pass like this, but I never expected that a month later, after the strength of the Prince's Mansion had been weakened, a ridiculous news suddenly came.

The prince did not rebel, and the evidence was forged.

And the murderer who falsified the evidence and deceived everyone was actually Yu Qianjue's maid - Wangyou.

Yu Qianjue trusted Wangyou very much, and at that time he often took her to meet the prince and princess, and only Wangyou had the opportunity to forge so many evidences to hide the truth.

After all, no one would doubt that an ordinary laughing maid would do so many things.

The moment he learned the truth, Yu Qianjue's world collapsed.

His most trusted friend actually deceived him and killed his parents, what an irony this is!

(End of this chapter)

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