Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Liang Wei and Gu Mo!
Just now, they sensed the devil energy at the same time, and then rushed over here, thinking they could find clues about the devil race,

Unexpectedly, there was only one fire at the scene.

"There are people in the fire."

Liang Wei's eyes were sharp, and she smelled the smell of a burnt human body. She released the water element directly to extinguish all the fire just now.

Ma Kou's body was half burnt, bloody and bloody, but a little outline could still be seen.

"It should be done by the demons, this person is not the demons."

After scanning it, Gu Mo came to a conclusion.

Liang Wei said in a cold voice, "The demons are so sloppy about their affairs, why don't they just tear this person into pieces, and even burn them with fire."

"I don't know, maybe the demons this time are different from the demons we encountered before."

Gu Mo stroked his chin.

"Then what should we do now? Let this corpse be left here, and no one will notice it until at least half a month later. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to our plan."

"Then send it directly to the student union. The murderer who killed this person is likely to be the demon clan, or has something to do with the demon clan.

As long as the murderer is found, there will be clues to the demons. "

"Then who will do this? I don't want to do such a disgusting thing as moving the charred corpse."

Liang Wei's always cold face showed a trace of disgust.

Gu Mo is a pharmacist, and he also hates doing this kind of thing. To be fair, he said directly, "Whoever loses will do it."

"No, I lose every time I fight with you."

"Then just arrest someone and knock him out. He will automatically report to the student union tomorrow morning, but you have to do this. I'm not a professional killer, and I'm not good at hiding my breath."

"no problem."

Rather than carrying the charred corpse, Liang Wei prefers to just find someone to knock him out.

She acted directly, and within less than a stick of incense, a person who had been knocked unconscious was moved from a long way away.

"This person seems to be the prince of Qingyun Kingdom." Gu Mo recognized Huangfucheng's identity at a glance. He had been to Qingyun Kingdom to perform forbearance, so he was quite familiar with Qingyun Kingdom's power.

"This kind of strength is also a prince? I knocked him out with a random move."

"Miss, you are the number one killer of the Hunter Alliance. In terms of assassination strength, even the dean of Fengyun Academy will guard against you, let alone a prince of a third-rate country?"

"So I'm so good?"

Liang Wei raised her eyebrows, a smile flashed across her eyes, and then left directly.

Gu Mo shrugged his shoulders, kicked Huangfu Cheng to the side of Ma Kou, and got a little drug, just enough for one night.

After doing this, he clapped his hands and said to himself,
"Demon Race, let's see how you hide this time."

After finishing speaking, Gu Mo also turned and left.

However, not long after the Hunter Alliance left, a crimson figure came out of the darkness.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Ye Chen arrived just a little later than the Hunter Alliance. He thought that the demon energy was emitted by these two people, so he hid in the dark and did not move.

Unexpectedly, these two people, like him, were also looking for news about the Demon Race.

"It turned out that one of Qingge's roommates was from the Hunter Alliance, but how did the Hunter Alliance know that the demons were in Fengyun College? Could it be that this secret has already been made public?
In Fengyun Academy, how many people are still hiding for the demons?

Is Yu Qianjue of the Dragon Empire also for this purpose? "

Numerous conjectures piled up in Ye Chen's mind, Ye Chen couldn't come up with an answer, he could only watch the next change.

I hope the student union will work harder this time and find out the truth earlier, so that he can also determine the clues of the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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