Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 539

Chapter 539

The next day.

A confusing murder case spread in Fengyun College.

Early in the morning, everyone was discussing this matter.

It is not surprising that people in Fengyun Academy are dead. After all, they are all fresh-blooded students. It is inevitable that there will be some conflicts, which will lead to accidents.

However, the college stipulates that

If you want to fight, you can go to Fengyun Arena, or go to the student union for mediation, and ask the student union to uphold justice.

You can't kill yourself.

Of course, some people with special backgrounds are excluded. For example, Ye Chen killed Ye Mengru's brother and sister last time, but he was not punished in the end because of his special background.

In addition, anyone who has no background and maliciously kills will be sanctioned by the entire academy.

Because of this murder case, the entire college was shrouded in a bloody shadow.

In class, the tutors of each department told the story in the class. If there are witnesses from last night, they can go to the student union to testify and help collect clues.

The Alchemy Department is no exception.

Because of this incident, Teacher Wei spent a lot of time trying to persuade the students in Class D to be patient and not to do stupid things.

After a class ended, all the students' ears were almost calloused.

"Boss, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhuang Yuncheng is now Ye Qingge's deskmate. After class, he asked Ye Qingge's opinion.

Ye Qingge blinked, and said straight and honest, "That Ma Kou seems to be Ma Yi's younger brother, and I have a grudge against Ma Yi from the Alchemy Department, so I just want to say three words—a good death!"

"Pfft—boss, you will be suspected of being a murderer if you say that.

However, I also want to say, die well!
You don't know how disgusting this Marco is, I had a face-to-face with him once.

He is a freshman in Class A of the first grade. Because his elder brother is Ma Yi, who is well-known in the alchemy department, and his family has a background, he doesn't pay attention to other people at all.

Last time when I was passing by in the corridor, I happened to see him flirting with a girl from class C. A big man only bullies little girls, what kind of a hero is he? I got angry at that time! "

"And then? Did you go to the hero to save the beauty?" Ye Qingge smiled.

Zhuang Yuncheng shook his head, somewhat embarrassed and said,

"No, I wanted to save her, but her girl is so powerful, I couldn't catch up.

Although that girl is from Class C, her talent for refining medicine is not good, but her talent for cultivation is top-notch. She dislocated Ma Kou's wrist on the spot and killed her instantly with one move. My liver hurts watching it!
Ma Kou's face suddenly turned purple.

I guess, if that girl hadn't been worried that Ma Kou had Ma Yi on top of her, she would have crippled her whole hand. Alas, it's a bit regretful to think about it!
But it doesn't matter now, anyway, this kind of scum is dead, and there is one less evil in the alchemy department. "

"Well, that's true." Ye Qingge nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Yuncheng said, "By the way, boss, do you know Huangfu Cheng? I heard that he is the prince of your Qingyun Kingdom?"

"Know, what's wrong?"

"It was he who discovered Marco's body this morning. It is said that last night, he arrived at the scene of the crime for no apparent reason, and then slept next to the body overnight.

I woke up this morning, crying and ran to the student union to report, I laughed so hard, I am also the prince of a country, why are you so cowardly?Hahaha--"

As Zhuang Yuncheng spoke, he began to laugh unscrupulously.

Ye Qingge didn't speak. Although she was from Qingyun Kingdom, she had a particularly bad impression of the Huangfu brothers and sisters. Zhuang Yuncheng could laugh as much as he liked, it had nothing to do with her.

Soon, the morning classes of the Alchemy Department ended.

At noon, Ye Qingge made an appointment to have dinner with Yu Qianjue, but at this moment, she met Die Wu.

Die Wu said directly, "Miss Ye, can I take a little of your time and talk to you alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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