Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 550 Encountering a Mercenary Girl

Chapter 550 Encountering a Mercenary Girl
"In the……"

The girl's injuries were serious, and she fell to the ground before she finished speaking.


Ye Qingge yelled, then caught the girl and touched the breath in her nose.

Fortunately, he is still alive, otherwise his busy work just now would have been in vain.

"Qianjue, what should we do now?"

"Find a place to rest first, and wait for her to wake up."

"it is good."

Ye Qingge took out some elixirs prepared in the storage ring, first carefully administered them to the girl, and then found a place to rest.


Three hours later, when it was getting dark, the girl opened her eyes.

"Thank you for saving me." The girl looked at Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue, her voice full of gratitude.

Ye Qingge was very realistic and asked directly, "Where are the thousand-year tears?"

"It's in a stone formation in the northwest, but that place is very dangerous. I went there last time, but I didn't get it. You also came here for the millennium tears?"

"if not?"

"I advise you to give up. Although your strength is stronger than mine, you can't break through that stone formation."

"Stop talking nonsense and take us there." Since Ye Qingge came so powerfully, there was no reason to back down.

Seeing this, the girl had no choice but to lead the way for the two.

On the way to find the Millennium Tears, Ye Qingge learned that the girl named Murong Xiaomeng is a lone mercenary, and this time she came to the Stone Forest to take risks for the Millennium Tears.

But now I have decided to give up. Although the treasure is precious, the price of life is even higher.

When there was still some distance from the formation, Murong Xiaomeng stopped and whispered to Ye Qingge, "I have a shadow over there, so I won't go with you, I wish you good luck."

"Be careful too." Ye Qingge responded politely.

Murong Xiaomeng smiled and said, "Although I'm not very strong, it's okay to leave here safely. Goodbye."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

Ye Qingge quickly forgot about this episode and concentrated on walking towards the stone formation. The spiritual power in her body gradually became thicker.

She doesn't know what unknown dangers will come next, so adjusting her state to perfection is the best way.

"Xiao Ge'er, if the situation is not good later, don't hold on, just leave the rest to me." Yu Qianjue whispered.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows. After all, she is also an eighth-level spiritualist, and she will soon break through to become a spiritualist. How can she be as weak as Yu Qianjue said?
What's more, she came here just to practice, what's the use of running away when she encounters danger?

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Ye Qingge responded lightly, and then the speed of her feet became faster and faster.

After a while, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue finally arrived at the Stone Forest Array. As Murong Xiaomeng said, it was very dangerous, and the atmosphere was indescribably cold.

"Little Ge'er, stand behind me." Yu Qianjue said with a dignified expression.

Ye Qingge estimated the situation and felt that he could still handle it, so he said, "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Yu Qianjue was still worried, so he directly forcibly pulled Ye Qingge behind him.

Then, the two walked forward.

It was already dark at this time, and the surroundings were very quiet, which made people feel extremely weird. Occasionally, there was the sound of stones falling on the ground, which always shocked people!
Fortunately, both of them were more courageous and were not intimidated.

As they walked, they came to a relatively flat place where the moonlight shone on the ground.

100 meters away from Ye Qingge, there is a polished stone table.

And on the stone table, there was a rotten gem the size of a duck egg that glowed softly and looked extraordinarily bright at night!
 PS: The character [Murong Xiaomeng] in [Cold Maple Season] has finished making soy sauce, please check it.Special Note: Because it is a special guest role, so there are not many scenes, I hope to understand.

  Another PS: Readers who subscribe to the original version are given priority in guest appearances, and this book will be finished in August or September. Thank you for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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