Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 551

Chapter 551
No need to think about it, this gem is the Millennium Tears they are looking for!

"Qianjue, we finally found it, great!" Ye Qingge smiled happily, and immediately walked towards the stone table.

"Wait!" Yu Qianjue took Ye Qingge's hand with a solemn expression, signaling him not to act rashly.

The girl just said that Shilin Town is not an ordinary place, and no matter what happens, it should not be played around.

Ye Qingge thought about it and thought it was right, what if this is a trap?
They searched for so long but couldn't find it. Now that the Millennium Tears suddenly appeared in front of them, although it was a good thing, they had to be on guard.

Ye Qingge looked around, picked up a small stone at his feet, and threw it in the direction of the stone pillar!

The little stone happened to fall next to the Millennium Tears, and there was nothing unusual about it, but it didn't mean that it was safe after doing so.

"If I had known this before, I should not ask any girl a few words, and then find out the specific situation." Ye Qingge's tone was a bit regretful.

After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles.

Yu Qianjue and Ye Qingge just stood there and waited.

After about a stick of incense, there was no abnormality in the surroundings except for gusts of cold wind.

It is already late autumn, and the night is very cold, so it is not an option to wait like this.

Yu Qianjue said, "Xiao Ge'er, you wait here, I'll go over and have a look first, if the situation is wrong, you leave immediately."

"No, I want to go with you!"

Ye Qingge is worried about Yu Qianjue, if something happens later, she will help in time.

Yu Qianjue couldn't resist Ye Qingge, after the two discussed for a while, finally, Yu Qianjue decided to take Ye Qingge to have a look.

The two moved forward slowly, getting closer and closer to the Millennium Tears.

But just ten steps away from the Millennium Tears, suddenly——

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There were violent noises all around, and then one after another stone monsters attacked from all directions!

These stone monsters are more powerful than what Ye Qingge met just now. Not only are their bodies bigger, but their structure is not like the one just now consisting of a pile of stones, but a whole boulder!

Looking at a three-meter-high stone monster, Ye Qingge couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. There are so many monsters, even if they fight until tomorrow night, they won't be able to finish them.

But escaping like this is not an option, the Millennium Tears have not been obtained yet!

"Little Geer, you are in charge of the left side, and I am in charge of the right side. Let's split up first." Yu Qianjue was very calm.

He quickly worked out a battle plan, and handed over the easy side to Ye Qingge, while he challenged the trickier part.

The stone monsters seem to have self-awareness. They have seen through Yu Qianjue's plan, so they gather together regardless of left and right, and form an encirclement circle next to Millennium Tears, which is invulnerable!

This time, the two wanted to snatch the Millennium Tears, and the difficulty increased by another level.

Even Elder Kun in the Qiankun bracelet couldn't help but say, "Girl, I wish you good luck."

"It's okay, I can handle it!"

Ye Qingge smiled faintly. She took out a long sword from the storage ring. Although she was not good at using it, it was better to find a sharper and longer weapon than bare hands in this kind of battle.



The battle started soon, and Ye Qingge used all the fighting skills she had learned, and she saw every move!
Seeing Ye Qingge's high fighting spirit, Elder Kun couldn't help but change his mind just now.

(End of this chapter)

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