Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 552 Absorbing Spiritual Power!

Chapter 552 Absorbing Spiritual Power!

Perhaps, with this girl's talent, she might be able to break through in the end?

After thinking about it, Mr. Kun made a secret effort to transfer part of his spiritual power to Ye Qingge, and then continued to watch the show in the Qiankun bracelet.

With the help of Elder Kun, Ye Qingge's next battle became much easier.

With a swipe of the long sword and a beautiful leap, the three stone monsters around were instantly killed by Ye Qingge!

After the fight, a bunch of spiritual power flew out from the stone monster.

Seeing these spiritual powers, Ye Qingge was overjoyed!
It turns out that there is natural spiritual power in the stone monster, which is why it moves so quickly. What if all the spiritual power is absorbed?Wouldn't they just turn into a pile of stones?
The corners of Ye Qingge's lips rose, she hadn't tried her second thunderbolt palm pose for a long time.

There are so many free guinea pigs today, how can we not have a good time?

"Qianjue, go to the side to rest, and leave the rest to me!" Ye Qingge said loudly, eager to try in his voice.

When Yu Qianjue heard this, he thought Ye Qingge was joking!

These stone monsters are not simple small characters, even if it is him, it will be very difficult to solve them all.

"Little Ge'er, you won't hurt your brain, right?" Yu Qianjue asked suspiciously.

"I didn't!" Ye Qingge immediately denied.

In order to prove that she has that strength, she directly started to perform the second thunderbolt palm pose, and began to absorb spiritual power!

The sound of the spiritual power coming out of the body seemed a little weird at night, and what was even weirder was that all those years flew into Ye Qingge's body!




One after another, the stone monsters fell down, and the thick spiritual power was absorbed by Ye Qingge one after another. After all the stone monsters fell, there was a few "bang bang bang", and a large group came again.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge only wanted to say three words - good time!

She thought that those appetizers just now were too few, no matter how many came tonight, she would eat as much as she wanted!
Standing by the side, Yu Qianjue saw Ye Qingge successfully dealt with one wave after another, and had to admire her sky-defying "thunderbolt palm".

If this continues, it won't be long before Xiao Ge'er will break through to the Healer level!
By then, her strength will be even higher!



Ye Qingge spent the whole night beating the stone monster and absorbing spiritual power.

And this night, her strength directly broke through from an eighth-level spiritualist to a first-level spiritualist!
From spiritual man to spiritual master is a watershed, many people can't reach it in a lifetime, Ye Qingge has reached this height in just a few days.

This speed of cultivation, although credited by Thunderbolt Palm, is more important due to his own understanding.

At dawn, all the stone monsters were crushed by Ye Qingge.

Millennium tears, in hand!

Seeing that there were no more stone monsters around, Ye Qingge's lips curled into a gratified smile, and then she directly began to meditate to stabilize her spiritual power.

Leave the rest to Yu Qianjue.

Yu Qianjue put away the Millennium Tears, and then accompanied Ye Qingge, acting as Ye Qingge's bodyguard.

The stable period after the breakthrough is also very important for practitioners. There must be no mistakes. Once disturbed by accident, the consequences are difficult to estimate.

Although the stone monster has been defeated by Ye Qingge, it is relatively safe here, but it cannot be taken lightly.

As for Ye Qingge's meditation, it took only half a month.

For the past half month, Ye Qingge didn't eat or drink, and focused all his energy on stabilizing his strength.

However, this is just the beginning.

Because at this moment, the plum blossom birthmark behind Ye Qingge changed!
(End of this chapter)

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