Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 553 Didn't Intentionally Play Hooligans

Chapter 553 Didn't Intentionally Play Hooligans

Last time, with Ye Chen's help, Ye Qingge broke through the second seal of Meihua's birthmark.

Now, she has a vague intuition that she can break through the third floor!
Following this intuition, Ye Qingge decided to go all out and continue to break through!

Yu Qianjue was still quietly guarding by the side, as long as Ye Qingge practiced, he would guard as long as possible, his expression was as calm as ever.


In a blink of an eye, it's winter.

The first snow in Poshilin was not too big or too small, but it still had an indescribably cold feeling when it fell on the body.

Yu Qianjue was afraid that Ye Qingge would be frozen, so he used spiritual power to build a barrier, and then took out a thick fox fur and put it on Ye Qingge.

It has been almost two months since they left Fengyun Academy. Although there is no need to worry about asking for leave, Yu Qianjue is still not at ease.

If Ye Qingge can't break the seal, they can't leave forever, and it's not my brother's way to procrastinate like this.

"Little Geer, when will you be able to break through?"

Yu Qianjue whispered in his heart.

Not long after this sentence was finished, Ye Qingge's body suddenly burst out with a powerful force!

Then, Ye Qingge's clothes were all shredded on the spot, including the brand new fox fur.

What appeared in front of Yu Qianjue was a splendor of spring.

Seeing the scene, Yu Qianjue blushed on the spot and subconsciously tilted his head, but couldn't help but continue to peek.

Ye Qingge also opened her eyes at this time, she finally broke through the third layer of seal, and her strength has entered the realm of a second-tier spiritual master, her progress can be described as rapid!
However, just when she was happy and wanted to share this joy with Yu Qianjue.

Seeing Yu Qianjue's expression, and then looking at himself who is completely naked...




"Close your eyes!"

Ye Qingge yelled loudly, with a shy and embarrassing look on her face, she immediately covered her important parts with her hands, then instantly took out a piece of clothing from the storage ring, and wrapped herself up.

Seeing this, Yu Qianjue smiled contentedly, and then praised,

"Little Ge'er, you seem to have grown up a bit."

"Rogue, stop talking, I don't want to hear it!"

Ye Qingge covered her ears, why did such an embarrassing thing happen?Why are the clothes torn?
What a reincarnation, when she smashed Yu Qianjue's clothes back then, she didn't expect that her own clothes were also broken today!
No, when did the clothes break?
Shouldn't it be like this all the time?

How long did Yu Qianjue, a beast, stare at her?
"you you--"

Ye Qingge was too ashamed to speak, her face was redder than a ripe apple.

Seeing this, Yu Qianjue liked it even more. He liked to see Ye Qingge's shy expression. It would be even better if he could kiss Fangze again.

However, Xiao Ge'er is like this now.Like a frightened little white rabbit, it's better not to act rashly.

"Don't worry, I've only looked at it for a while, and I've seen and touched it before.

My little princess, why is she getting more and more shy? "

Yu Qianjue lowered his voice, his sexy and magnetic voice sounded a different kind of charm.

Ye Qingge became even more shy, and she whispered, "I don't care, anyway, you turn your back, close your eyes, and stop watching."

"Okay, okay, I'll turn around." Yu Qianjue was very obedient.

Ye Qingge breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to put on his clothes, Yu Qianjue suddenly turned around again, with a serious expression on his face,

"By the way, let me help you see how the plum blossom birthmark is doing. Now that you have broken through the third layer, three petals should have turned red, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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