Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 555 Meet grandpa at home!

Chapter 555 Go home and meet grandpa!
"It's been so long since I've been out, it's time to go back." Ye Qingge handed over the Millennium Tears to Yu Qianjue for safekeeping.

Yu Qianjue nodded and followed suit, "I've been staying in this stone formation recently, I don't know how Fengyun Academy is doing, I hope it will be the same as when we left."

"But before we go back, let's go see Grandpa first!"

"Well, I haven't seen him for a long time, it's time to go back and get together." Yu Qianjue responded with a smile.

Just like that, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue left the broken stone forest, and then they found two fast horses and rushed towards the imperial city of Qingyun Kingdom.


After another seven days, the two arrived in the imperial city.

After leaving for several months, Qingyun Kingdom is still the same, looking very peaceful.

Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue kept a low profile when they came back. No one knew about it. They came to Ye's house directly from the gate of the imperial city.

At the gate of Ye's house, the guard didn't recognize Ye Qingge until Ye Qingge took off the veil on his face!

"Miss Six!"

"Miss Six is ​​back! That's great, hurry up and report to the Patriarch!"

The guards were very excited. While welcoming Ye Qingge, they went to report the situation.

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, and it still feels good to be home. Although Fengyun College is very good, it has a lot of talents, and can learn the latest and most systematic knowledge of refining medicine.

But in Ye Qingge's heart, Ye's family is her favorite.

While walking inside, Ye Qingge shouted, "Grandpa, I'm back!"

Ye Qingge is now a second-level spiritual master, and his voice can be transmitted through spiritual power. Even if he is a thousand meters away, Mr. Ye can still hear Ye Qingge's voice.

Soon, an old man with gray temples came out from the yard.

Seeing Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue, Mr. Ye smiled so happily.

"Qingge, why did you come back early? Don't tell grandpa. I haven't seen you for a few months. Grandpa misses you!"

Mr. Ye loves Ye Qingge the most, and he is looking forward to when Ye Qingge will be on vacation and when he will come back every day.

Now I suddenly saw my granddaughter appearing, and I still couldn't believe it.

"I came out to carry out a mission. That place is not far from the imperial city. I missed you again, so I brought Qianjue over to see you."

After speaking, Ye Qingge pulled Yu Qianjue over.

Yu Qianjue smiled faintly, and said, "Grandpa, long time no see."

"Qian Jue actually came together, haha, the relationship between the two of you is getting better and better.

Butler, hurry up and prepare a good meal. You must cook the dishes that Qingge and Qianjue like to eat. "Grandpa Ye ordered loudly, his face was not only happy but also happy.

The housekeeper was also very excited, and immediately went to order the kitchen to do something.

Soon, Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue came to the main hall, and a table of good wine and food was served quickly.

While serving Ye Qingge some food, Mr. Ye said, "Qingge, eat more, you've lost weight."

"Grandpa, I changed because of cultivation, I'm not hungry, I can't finish eating so much..."

Ye Qingge looked at the mountain of food in the bowl, although her heart was full of happiness, but she really couldn't finish it!

Ye Qingge really wanted to give Yu Qianjue all these dishes, but Yu Qianjue's rice bowl was not much better, as it was full of vegetables from Mr. Ye.

In this regard, Ye Qingge can only express that even if she is full, she can't live up to her grandpa's wishes.

"Qing Ge, tell Grandpa quickly, how have you been doing these past few months? You seem to have become another second-level spiritual master, and your strength has been promoted too fast?"

Mr. Ye was very surprised. You know, he is only an eighth-level spiritual master now, thanks to Ye Qingge giving him spiritual spring water.

(End of this chapter)

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