Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 556 Fengyun Academy

Chapter 556 Returning to Fengyun Academy

Now, in just a few months, Ye Qingge's strength is not much different from his, which not only makes him happy, but also makes him a little powerless.

The granddaughter grew up too fast, and after a while, he would no longer be able to protect her.

"Grandpa, how are you doing? How is the Ye family while I'm away?"

"Okay, okay, everything is fine..."

Grandpa Ye grinned and continued to communicate with his granddaughter.


Time passed quickly, and the day ended in the blink of an eye. Ye Qingge only slept at Ye's house for one night. Early the next morning, after having breakfast with Mr. Ye, he left with Yu Qianjue.

Although Mr. Ye was reluctant to part, he still reluctantly bid farewell.

On the way back to Fengyun Academy, Ye Qingge was extremely excited, but as the distance from Fengyun Academy got closer.

For some reason, Ye Qingge suddenly felt uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

But what it is, she doesn't know yet.

"Xiao Ge'er, you must have thought too much, it's okay." Sitting in the carriage, Yu Qianjue patted Ye Qingge's shoulder to express his comfort.

Ye Qingge frowned, still worried.


half a month later.

Fengyun Academy, here.

As soon as Ye Qingge came back, she found that the atmosphere of Fengyun College was not right, and there was an indescribable solemnity.

It stands to reason that the college should be very lively at this time of day. Could it be that the students don't like to go out because the weather is getting colder?

"Did something happen to the college recently?" Ye Qingge walked for a while before finding a passing student.

The man looked at Ye Qingge defensively, and then looked at Yu Qianjue. After making sure that the two of them were not in danger, he said cautiously, "You guys are out on a mission, have you just come back?"

"Yes." Ye Qingge nodded.

"It's no wonder you don't know, something big happened to Fengyun Academy!
Since the death of the Ma Kou, Fengyun College has been calm for a while, but recently there has been a bizarre murder case, and five missing persons have appeared. It is not known who did it. Now the college is in a state of panic, and classes were suspended yesterday. "

"Missing? How could this be..."

Ye Qingge finally understood where the strong uneasiness in his heart came from.

Dead again, who did it this time?
Who would have the guts to rob people in the academy?The murderer was too bold.

Yu Qianjue also frowned, he immediately thought of the recent frequent disappearances in the Eastern Continent, and Huangfu Qianqian, could this be related to the demons?

"I have something to do, so I'll leave first, goodbye!"

After the student finished speaking, he ran away quickly, not daring to stay any longer.

Yu Qianjue and Ye Qingge glanced at each other, both looked worried, because they were worried that Ye Qingge would live in the dormitory, so Yu Qianjue said directly,

"Little Ge'er, it's not safe these days, so go live with me first."

"Don't worry, I've improved my strength so fast recently, I'm sure nothing will happen, and I'm not too worried about them..." Ye Qingge's reference to them naturally refers to 707's roommates.


Seeing that Ye Qingge was persistent, Yu Qianjue stopped talking. With Xiao Geer's strength, there should be no problem.

"Come on, let's go to the Mission Pavilion to hand over the mission first."

"it is good."


Mission Pavilion.

When Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue came here, they were obviously quieter than last time.

The person who received them this time was a cute girl who looked about 13 years old.

Ye Qingge was a little surprised, and muttered in a low voice, "The person at the counter has changed..."

(End of this chapter)

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