Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 558 Finding Wu Ze Forecast

Chapter 558 Finding Wu Ze Forecast

"So many lives have been lost, if this continues, no one will dare to enroll in Fengyun Academy in the future, of course they must be serious!
By the way, Liangwei, what do you think? "

Seeing that Liang Wei had been silent, Nangong Ling began to ask Liang Wei for her opinion.

Liang Wei never liked to discuss such things, let alone participate, so she only said four words, "It has nothing to do with me."

"It's so cold."

Nangong Ling rolled her eyes, seeing Liang Wei's cold blood again.

"By the way, how are Ye Han and the others doing recently? Who are the missing people?"

"Ye Han is fine, but he's been in a strange state recently, last time I talked to him, he ignored me and didn't know what happened.

I guess, [-]% of them are failures in chasing girls and negative emotions. "

When Nangong Ling mentioned Ye Han, his emotions became a little more excited. From this point of view, Ye Han's position in his heart is definitely not weak.

"What about Zhuang Yuncheng? How is he doing recently?" Ye Qingge continued to ask.

Nangong Lingdao, "He is still the same. He always sends me flowers, snacks, and pills. I won't be fooled by such childish tricks to pick up girls! I rejected them all!"

"Just be content, someone treats you so well, yet you still dislike him?" Die Wu complained.

Nangong Ling spoke seriously, "I didn't dislike it, but I just felt it was inappropriate, so I refused directly. If not, Zhuang Yuncheng will be even more sad in the future."

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't argue, these are trivial matters."

Ye Qingge smoothed things over with a smile. Between girls, the atmosphere is always delicate. Fortunately, Liangwei doesn't like to talk very much, otherwise 707 would definitely be more chaotic.

Just like that, several people were making noise, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

After Ye Qingge finished talking about the business, he began to read the "Book of Alchemy Alchemy". Recently, he was only concerned with cultivation and hadn't read a book for a long time.

While improving strength, alchemy cannot be left behind.


Let's talk about Yu Qianjue.

After returning to the dormitory, he immediately found Wu Ze.

Wu Ze happened to be sleeping, and was disturbed by Yu Qianjue, feeling very upset.

"Master Jue, if you have something to say, hurry up, I will continue to sleep after you finish speaking." Wu Ze lay on the bed, not even waking up.

Yu Qianjue asked directly, "What do you think of this disappearance case?"

"I've already checked, and it was Huangfu Qianqian and his gang who did it. They seemed to be looking for someone, so they came to Fengyun Academy to arrest people, but they never got it right."

"and then?"

"Then there is no more. Anyway, he is not looking for me, let alone arresting me. I don't want to meddle in my own business..."

As an onmyoji, Wu Ze cherishes his life very much, so he doesn't want to get involved in this trouble.

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, if Huangfu Qianqian started to make a move, then he must not take it lightly.

If Huangfu Qianqian had already infiltrated into Fengyun College and wanted to take Xiao Ge'er's life, it would be troublesome!
"No, quickly do the math for me to see if those people will do it again, and when they will do it, hurry up!"

Yu Qianjue urged in a cold voice, not wanting to waste time.

Wu Ze ignored it and covered his head with a quilt.

"Three Thousand Flowing Fire!"

Yu Qianjue condensed flames on the palm of his hand as a threat.

Feeling the heat, Wu Ze immediately lifted the quilt and looked at Yu Qianjue with a smile.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't use force, I'll help you!"

"Then hurry up!"

Yu Qianjue urged again.

Wu Ze was very reluctant to get out of bed, then took out the copper plate, set up an array, and started to predict the future.

(End of this chapter)

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