Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 559 Something Happened to Ye Han

Chapter 559 Something Happened to Ye Han

After a stick of incense, Wu Ze squinted his eyes and came to the result.

"How?" Yu Qianjue asked.

Wu Ze said, "Tonight, in the student union hall, you will get the answer you want."

"anything else?"

"It's gone, I can't open the sky eye every time, it would be a waste of spiritual power, so I just calculated it for you.

The hexagram only has this information, good luck.

By the way, if you want to have a higher success rate, you can call the person on the opposite side. Ye Chen's strength is pretty good. If the two of you work together, you will definitely be invincible in Fengyun Academy. "

There was a tinge of ridicule in Wu Ze's voice.

Yu Qianjue's eyes dimmed, he would not cooperate with Ye Chen.

However, this matter can be told to the senior management of the college. Soon, Yu Qianjue contacted Elder Gong, and Elder Gong contacted the members of the Presbyterian Church.

Fengyun Academy has always been in a passive position, and now it has finally mastered the sovereignty for once, which is a joy.

All the elders were gearing up and entered the student union hall early to hide and wait.

This time, they will definitely find out who is behind the scenes!


Midday on the moon.

Student Union Hall.

Yu Qianjue stood in the dark, looking at the man in purple not far away, with a very unhappy expression.

Ye Chen actually came too, this must be the news leaked by the elders' association, if he had known this, he shouldn't have told Elder Gong about it!
But after thinking about it, this matter is related to the entire academy, and it is also related to Xiao Ge'er's safety, so he doesn't care about it.

Everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for Wu Ze's prophecy.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement in the hall. Some elders became anxious, feeling that they had been tricked.

But even so, they still dare not speak out, for fear of disturbing tonight's plan.

Every minute, every second is torture.

Just when such torture was about to collapse, a black figure finally appeared in the hall.

When Yu Qianjue saw who was coming, his heart beat faster, it was him, Ye Han!
How could he be here?

Before Yu Qianjue could figure it out, Ye Han, who was standing in the middle of the hall, said directly,

"Since you asked me out, why hide and hide, come out."

Ye Han's words made the elders nervous. Could it be that they were discovered?

No, according to this kid, there should be someone else coming!
"Hehe, I didn't hide and hide. You came too late and made me wait."

A high-pitched voice came, and then, a figure of a man in white appeared in the center of the hall.

This man was wearing a ghost mask, his identity could not be discerned, and his speed was so fast that even Yu Qianjue didn't know how he appeared.

Fengyun Academy actually has such a powerful person, and things seem to be more complicated than he imagined.

Moreover, that ghost mask... seems to be related to Huangfu Qianqian...

"The reason why I came today is just to tell you one thing, give up, I won't listen to your mercy, that's it!"

Ye Han's attitude was firm, and his expression was all calm.

The ghost-faced man sneered and continued, "Great demon warrior, what are you running away from? Humans are a bunch of selfish people. What good is it for you to hide among humans?
If you don't agree again, then next time, we will continue to take away humans.

You are not afraid of five, but what about fifty, five hundred, or five thousand?
By the way, just take away that girl named Ye Qingge, she seems very important to you.

Or, that girl named Nangong Ling can also..."

(End of this chapter)

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